ISAIAH-9:6 |
'Fixin' to be
Christmas in a 'Couple o' week's!...
Let's go ''Grab that cup o' joe,..hot
chocolate,..or whatever 'pik me up''
You want to start the ''morn'' off
with,...Hunt down that favorite cushin'
and sit for a spell!
We be a' counting down those day's where
everybody gets all ''Excited''
And 'nostalgic',....
Christmas is for ''Children!''..
and ''Big Kid's'' like Us!
I am 'Concerned' about the fact that
Folk's are not using the word
''Christmas Tree'',.. but saying it
is a 'Holiday Tree' and saying..
''Oh,..Happy Holiday'..not
''Merry Christmas''

Today,.. I'll not ''sermon'' you about the
Stories of Christmas,..We all
have heard about the ''Coming'' of
Jesus,..His Life,. and His Death,..
I want to talk about His Life,.. How it
affects us as People,.. how We See
it thru the ''Eye's'' of Children thru Him!
Isaiah-9:6...''For unto us a Child is born;
unto us a Son is given' and the
government shall be upon His shoulder..''The
Prince of Peace''
A ''different ''Spin?''..Yes,..But,..How do
We really see thing's?..Let's see!
''At What Price is Freedom?..Look into
''Jesus'' eye's,..See the Reflection
of Yourself,..See what price Was
paid for Freedom''
''At What Price is Freedom? Look into a
''Veteran's'' eye's, See the Reflection
of Yourself,..See what price Was
paid for Freedom''
Christmas,...Christmas is the time,..where
Once a year, Everybody seems
to have a ''Heart'',..
We All seem to be ''full of cheer'',..Our
step is lighter, we shake hand's
and ''greet'' more often than 'naught',..We
become 'generous' of heart
and want to be more giving to those who have
Jesus,.. ''The God Child'',.. the
''Wonderful''...''Counselor'' ''Mighty God'',..
Those are some of the ''Title's'' He would
be given..
Can You 'Imagine back then'',.. People who
knew Him,..who talked with Him,
who walked with Him,..as they ''looked''
into His eye's,..were in fact, Looking
into the ''Eye's of God!?''...I need an
''Amen'' on that one!...Sooooo...
As ''children of The ''Almighty God'',..
Brother's to Jesus,...when We look
into each others eye's,.. are we not
seeing ''our own reflection'' of
our self,..in Jesus Name?..
The 'Sadness in our ''Veteran's'' eye's,..
the ''Horror's of War'',..Did not the
''Baby Jesus'' live the same,..walk that
road over ''Two-Thousand'' years ago!
As Jesus would have it today,..as He would
want it,..''Everyday'' it would be
''Christmas in 'Our Heart',..to feel that 'spark',.that
cheer,.. the Giving as
Jesus did,..as ''Our Veteran's have done
'like us,.. now and before us...
''By Golly!'',..the o'l preacher took ''Many
Road's'' today!...But!..
Keep Christmas in Your heart
Everyday!...Don't ''Forget'' at what Price
Freedom was paid,..From the time of ''Baby
Jesus'' to those now serving
thru these trying times..
''Stocking's will be 'flled',..but..''Over''
the pond,..''Boot's'' will be filled,..
I leave you with this ''Parable''...
''Life is what happens while your making
other plans''
''Today we call the 'present',..and it
is,..It is a Present given to us from a
''Veteran,.a ''Gift'' so Blessed by
Sherrie n' I hold All of You in Prayer,..in
Our Heart,..Won't You too
Pray for Our Brave Women and Men in ''Harm's
Take just a ''moment'' out of your day,..ask
God for His ''Blessing''
Till next week,..and the ''Final
wish you well!
''God Bless All of You,..Our ''Warriors''
and.. God Bless America!

Pastor / Chaplain Frank ..the
''Preacher''..a 1/7 Marine! and Sherrie!