And that quiver in his
voice was even more profound,
and his skin tone was
quite pale to the eye,
Mama began to question
him about being MIA,
he was reluctant you
could tell by his answering sigh.
But Mama pushed until
finally he told,
that his tags were lost
in the initital blast,
He was picked up in the
field and tagged John Doe,
until he awoke three
weeks later in a body cast.
They had put him back
together with metal plates and screws,
and on his chest they
pinned a Purple Heart,
Then they told him they
were sending him home,
for some much needed and
well deserved R&R.
That was the happiest six
months of Mama's life,
even her worry lines had
began to fade,
She tried her best to
talk him into taking a medical discharge,
but his decision to
return had already been made.
One more time they sent
him straight into the fires of hell,
only this time he would
not stay long,
He was there just a few
short months,
then found himself
listening to Korean songs.
It was plainly seen that
Mama still was not happy,
she wanted him back home
in the United States,
He made his way from
Korea to Germany and back again to Korea,
then finally settling on
Alaska, where he found his lifetime mate.
He was still a mighty
long way from Texas,
and far away from big
sister's worrisome eye,
But for the first time in
over a half a lifetime,
she could fall asleep and
didn't feel the need to cry.
He finally retired after
thirty years,
but in the frozen lands
of Alaska he would stay,
He said it was clearly in
God's chosen plan,
and he didn't feel the
need to question His way.
Several times he made the
trip down,
for a relaxed and
friendly visit,
And on the last one he
left for Mama,
that Purple Heart, for he
said that she earned it.
There was not one dry eye
in the whole place,
when he set that medal in
the palm of her hand,
With the quiver and
determination still in his voice,
He said there was never a
better Sister for any living man.
Before he could get back
to see her again,
his war torn heart
finally gave way,
She always said that he
was a casualty of war,
to her it didn't matter
what the examiner would say.
And she began to grieve
for she missed him so,
nothing would ever take
his place,
Her heart had been
wounded beyond repair,
and she longed to again
see his face.
She placed that Purple
Heart beneath her pillow,
and there is where it
would always stay,
She would hold it tight
in her hand each night,
while she would quietly
Several years later Mama
too found her way to Heaven,
and our intentions was to
place that medal in her hand,
But when we went to
retrieve it all we found was the imprint,
of it and her golden
wedding band.
So if by chance you were
to find yourself in Heaven,
and an angel you see with
a Purple Heart and a halo,
Will you tell her for me
that we miss her a lot,