Lord, let me
be a silent sermon,
As I pursue my work today.
May all my actions speak more clearly,
Than just the words folks hear me say.
I pray Christ's love will fill my being,
So none can miss where I belong,
And some lost soul will have a longing
To know the One Who gives my song.
Keep me from vain and idle gossip,
And may my deeds be always true.
But Lord, I pray no careless action
Will keep someone from finding You.
I'd never want to be a preacher,
And witnessing is hard for me.
But if I'm just a silent sermon,
Some soul might live eternally.
I'm thankful, Lord, for all Your blessings,
That swept away my guilt and pain.
If how I live can draw folks to You,
Then I will not have lived in vain.
Betty Jo Mings