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- Was just a whippersnapper,
- I really had no sense,
- I’d wait fer them wild broncos
- to sidle by the fence
- Then leap upon their mangy backs
- from the very top rail-board,
- grab their mane, clench my knees,
- an’ holler to the Lord
- A wilder ride ya never saw
- on each wily untamed horse,
- they’d rare an’ kick both hind feet out,
- land me on my butt, of course
- I didn’t have a speck a fear,
- an’ rarely I got hurt,
- a screamin’ an’ a cussin’,
- an’ whippin’ with my quirt
- First I’d see the sky of blue,
- an’ then I’d see the ground,
- as that bronco bucked me up,
- an’ then he’d buck me down
- I’ve been thrown in cow pies,
- an’ mud up to my knees,
- landed up against the barn,
- an’ scraped off ‘neath some trees
- I never seemed to get it,
- when I was just a kid,
- I thought I was Gene Autry,
- an’ could ride the way he did
- But when I grow’d into a man,
- made up my mind to go
- try an’ make my fortune
- ridin’ in the rodeo
- That proved that I ain’t got no sense,
- an’ my brains I’m sittin’ on,
- ‘cause hangin’ out with cowboys
- shoulda taught me I was wrong
- You’d think a feller’d learn
- with his backside sore an’ hurtin’,
- but liniment an’ whiskey
- left me feelin’ naught for certain
- Now, I don’t believe in dyin’
- just to do the reckless thing,
- or landin’ me in traction with a nurse
- I’d have to ring
- I only joined up anyways
- to have a little fun,
- but ever’ time I drew a horse
- he’d be the orn’ry one
- Guess I’ll grab my saddlebags,
- an’ go back to the ranch,
- get married to that neighbor girl,
- I think her name was Blanche
- I’ll settle down an’ have some kids,
- an’ if they’re on the fence,
- I’ll tell ‘em how it come to be,
- I acquired this horse sense…
Poetry by Tamara
Copyright 2004
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