I am your hymnbook
- each page is a treasure.
Pick me up, open me, find
love beyond measure.
The great Bible doctrines
are channeled through me;
The words of the Master will
set people free.
I am your hymnbook
- with words sweet and clear;
I want to be used by those
who hold dear
All the old masters who
penned words of praise
Of the Master of masters who
brightens our days.
I am your hymnbook
- please take me in hand.
Sing all the words, sing out
through the land.
Tell all that I love them,
tell them to come
To Christ through my message
and share His Kingdom.
I am your hymnbook
- don't relegate me
To a dusty old closet so
others won't see
All the glad tidings that I
have in store
For those who will love and
praise God evermore.
I am your hymnbook
- and this is my mission -
To tell the sweet story to
all who will listen;
To sing of the Savior and
His love for mankind,
To give all those sight who
once were so blind.
I am your hymnbook
- sing day after day!
Sing words upon words that
tell sinners the way
To a glorious Heaven where
night never ends,
Where Jesus is Lord, Savior
and friend.
I am your hymnbook
- But now thrown away;
For no one will use me - I'm
old, people say!
They want the new songs
without doctrine and truth,
Without words of wisdom -
it's all about youth.
I am your hymnbook
- with the Bible I'll be
Your guide to the Savior who
sets people free.
My words have been written
by suffering saint,
By those who have lost and
suffered much pain.
I am your hymnbook
- by your side I'll remain,
While you serve the great
Master, His wonders proclaim!
Sing to the nations! Sing to
the poor,
The rich, and the troubled,
sing praise evermore!
Virginia Hite Quibodeaux