''Freeway Jammed Pack 'Turkey Day'' Gone!,..I woke up ''coughing''
up feathers,
had so much Turkey!
Met lot's of
nice folk's, made a bunch of ''Friend's!''
Which brings
Me to ''Today's Message-Friend's!''
Morning Friends!?..
Hmmmmm, Friends?, What
dare I ask makes a
or Do I have the ''Right'' to call or be Called Friend!
Holy 'Hockey
Pucky!', Seems the O'l Preacher got hold of a bad
piece of
'Turkey', maybe He's the 'turkey!'

Why the
''Friendly'' talk?. O.K., The ''Other Day'', I
was out,
saw two ''meat
heads'' going at it, One guy is yelling' ''I thought YOU
were MY
The other
''Bonehead'' holding him in a ''Kung-Fu'' Death
''With Friends
like YOU, Who needs Enemy's?!''
Well,. with a
little help, We got them apart and calmed down, the ''ruckus''
was a 'Simple'
misunderstanding, and I talked to them about ''What a
Friend is''
It is true,
Friends Love each other,
they Hurt each
other, But a 'True'
Friend Will
Stay by your side.
Proverbs -
17:17..''A Friend is Always loyal, and a Brother is born to help
in time of need''
Proverbs -
18:24..''There are Friends who Pretend to be friends, but there
is a Friend who sticks closer than a
What does Jesus say?
John - 15
-12:13..''I demand that you Love each other as much as I
And here is how you measure it, the greatest love is shown when
a person lays
down his life for his friends''
..Jesus went
on to show All of us by being ''Crucified'' on the Cross!.
Now,. story
goes, a fishing boat was in a terrible storm, she was
two guys were still on the boat when it went under, one guy
threw his 'life-jacket' to the other guy, but was
rescued anyway.
''question'' was brought up, ''You had a Family, he had
would you
''sacrifice'' yourself to save him!'',
He is My Friend, but he doesn't know God yet, I Believe in
my Faith. If he died, I would be Afraid that his ''soul''
would not be saved, as for me, I have been already Judged!''
This man,
having a Family, was ready to give up his ''Physical'' life, in
order to Save
his Friend.
It is the same
with many of ''US'' in Combat, Although We don't think
in that
''Spiritual sense'', We are willing to ''Risk Our Life'' to save
Friendship!, Jesus was ''Beyond'' His Years so to speak!.
Look at 'Our
Country; We are involved in a
Global War,
Who, or What Country Stands
Beside Us?
Canada and
Austrailia have Shown what a
Friend'' is!
A True Friend
'stands' with you when You
are Alone!,
They do-not judge you but show
Even though
'one' was to ''betray'' Him,
Jesus shared
His ''Last Supper'' with His
Men He called ''Brothers''
And about
Friends in ''Strife'' with each other?..
Proverbs -
16:28..''A Troublemaker plants seeds of strife, gossip
separates the best of friends..
We are
'Human' We make mistakes, We have Love , Anger ,
Jealousy and All that ''luggage!'',
In a
''Relationship''. like let us say ''Marriage',
We must learn to be 'Friends' before we learn to Love,
make sense?..
You ''Figure'' it out!. Friends are such a ''Precious''
thing, they do so become part of Your Family, Gods

I'm gonna' close for now, Go watch the ''Full Contact
Fights''..M.M.A Octagon Matches!...Friends ''Gone Wild!''..
I leave you
with this ''Parable''..
''The Best way
to keep YOUR Friends, is NOT to give them away!''
''There are
Good Ships and Bad Ships, But!, The
Best ships are Friendships''
Till next
week. My Friends, Sherrie n' Myself do keep You n'
Your Family
in Prayer,
Let God know
about Your Love for Him, He is not Only Our God, But thru
He is ''Our Friend''..
God Bless All
of You, God Bless our ''Warriors'' and May We Always be able
to say,
''May God
Bless America''
Pastor / Chaplain Frank n'
Tune ~ Everybody loves somebody sometime |