And a ''Goooooood Morning'' to
All of You!...
Ahhhhh,..the Weather seems to be going
back to its 'Normal' self,..Out here
in Californy' way it's been a ''Warming'' up
a little,..much to the ''Birds
and Flowers'' delight,..and these ''Flatlander's'' out here..
Almost time to be ''Crackin''
out the ''Iced Coffee'' but not quite yet!..
Sooo, go grab that ''Cup o'
Joe'' and 'Bunker Down' this morning,..
We be doing a ''Little
Message'' from a ''Youngin'' about Prayer!...
''Potty Prayer's'',..Only
through the ''Eye's of a Child!'',..Something that
We All Should do, But as the
''Rust of Aging'' set's in,.. We forget those
''Innocent'' Childhood Days of
Children,..They have such a
way of putting things into 'Perspective', so
'Clean and Pure'..
Thia actually made me 'Laugh'
when this ''Little Fritter'' was trying to
''Splain'' how he ''Talked to
God''...Mommy calls it ''Praying'',..But
since SHE Told ME God is
Always Watching and Listening,..Shucks,
I just TALK to HIM!...
That's O.K. ain't it
Sherrie and I were
''Visiting'' a Marines House,..He's Deployed, and a
few other Wives were there, a
''Coffee Social'' per say...Kid's all over
the place...
Well,..we brought some of
those ''Glow Stick'' for them,, the kind that
Light up the whole
room!,..Still gets dark a ''tad'' early and it kept them
in tow!..
We were ready to ''Hit the
Bricks'' and 'Retreat Home',..But I asked the
''Kids'' a Question which went
on for a ''Spell'',..''Do You Pray Before Bed?''
The ''Kids'' were having a
'Sleepover' that's why We brought the ''Glow Sticks''
Now,..You know kids,..They'll
do ''Anything'' and I mean anything to
''Streeeccch'' bedtime!
Well,..''Holy Pooper
Scooper!'' I heard ALL kinds of Answers,..From..
''I ask My Guardy' Angel to
keep the Closet Monsters out of my room''
to ''I pray My Sister won't
see I Broke Her Dollies Head off!''
Yes,...They Also Prayed for
Their Daddy's that the ''Mean Enemy'' don't
Hurt them''
One ''Little Girl'',..She
Broke My Heart,...''Mommy Cry's at Night'' in
Bed with Daddy's Picture...I
just wanted to ''Hug Her'',..Sherrie beat
me to it..
O.K....Back to the ''Potty
Prayer's!'',..A Little Feller' allot ''older'' than
His years, least He Acted
that way,...
''Daddy Say's I'm the MAN in
the House While He's Taking Care Of
Business!,..But Mommy's in
Pastor I ''Really Try to
Pray'' He say's to me,..I kneel down by my bed
and ''Sometimes I fall
asleep!'',...The Best Time for Me to ''Talk to God''
is when I go ''Potty!''
Now the Mothers have ''Tears''
in their eyes trying to ''Hold Back'' the
Laugh,..But He is ''So
''Yup!,..Mommy said God Always
Listens,..So I know that When I
''Go Potty'' I got His
Attention,..I sit there and ''WE Talk'' about things,
''Does He Answer I asked?''..Naw,..
He just Listens,.But I know He's there!
I asked Him for ''Something''
last Week,..I got it the ''Very Next Day!''
He wanted something, His Mom
Was Also Listening and ''Got it'' for
him!...''Blind Faith'' in a
Jeremiah - 29 :12-13...''In
those Days When You Pray, I Will Listen.You
Will Find Me When you Seek Me,
if you Look for Me in Earnest''
WOW!,..Makes sense to
me!,..Seems that in ''Our Busy Life''..We Forget
that GOD is also
''Busy'',..Watching AND ''Listening'',..Do YOU make
Time to ''Talk to
God''..whether it is in ''Prayer'' or just a ''Howdy Lord,
I was a 'Thinking About You?''
I Learned allot from that
''Little Child of Wisdom'' that Night...
Seems a ''Little Ireverend''
to Pray on the ''Can'', but what Better Time
to ''Talk to the Lord!'',..You
Do Have His Attention Indeed!''..
Heck,. Come- On You O'l Combat
'Warriors'',..We ALL Prayed in ''Worst
I'm closing this for
now,..gotta get a ''Refil'' on my Joe!''
Todays Parables...
''God's Awsome presence is
both convicting and Comforting''
''Every Christian should be an
expectant 'Uplooker'..not a Sleepy Onlooker''
Please,.Give God a
''Shout-Out'' today,..
''One reason for doing the
'Right thing' today,.is Tomorrow!''
Sherrie and I hold All of You
in Deep Prayer,..We Especially Hold in
Prayer ''Our Warriors in Harms
Way and Our ''Wounded Warriors'' and
Their Loved Ones..
A ''Special Prayer to a Dear
dear Friend...Mary-Jo,.. May God Hold Her
and Her Family ''Close to His
''God Bless All of You'' and
May We Always Be Able to Say..
''May God Bless America''..for
it is ''In God We Trust!''..AMEN
Till next Week,..Love from
"Pastor Frank''..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie