''If I Fall,..Who Will Take My Place''
Was the 'Call' on the Battlefield!...
Today I Call You,..ALL
to Stand at My Side and ''Give Support'' to This Ministry,...We,..All of
Us Once ''Stood Tall''
and ''Back to Back''
in Support in
Nam,..I Ask for that Same Support Now..Man Your Stations!
Today,..Sunday at 5
P.M. is the Second ''Veteran's Outreach Church Service'' ..Tailored for
YOU The Veteran's and Family
902 South Broadway/
street in Santa Ana..Ph.# 714-542-0784 or Pastor / Chaplain Frank..#
''Out if the Indian
approach to Life there came a great freedom, an intense and absorbing
Love for nature,..a respect for life, an enriching Faith in a ''Supreme
Power''...being of GOD,..and principles of
Truth,..Honesty,..Generosity,..Equity,..and...Brotherhood as a guide to
Relations...Luther Standing Bear..''Ogagla
Sioux Chief''...
And a ''Top O' the
Morning to All of You out there!..
Time again
to ''Rise and Shine'' on this 'Blessed Sunday Morning',..and Go Grab
that ''Iced'' Cup O' Joe and pull up Your Favorite ''Resting'' Spot!..
Word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones...I was
weary of holding it back.''
Sounds good
''Pastor'' but what in 'tar-nations'
does that have to do with ''Atheist's'' and ''Foxholes?!''...
First,..what is an
''Atheist''...Book says an
atheist Does-not Believe in God or in His
Combat,..First thing We All be doing is ''Praying' to God that We
don't Die,..or at least don't get hurt to badly!.
get me through this mess!,..or God,.if I make it home I'll go to
church every Sunday!''...
I don't remember
Anyone ever saying.. ''Ain't no God,.I'll be o.k.,, I 'll get
through it myself!''..
Seems to me,..That
would be ''Bad News'' having someone like that,in a
''Fox-Hole''..His ''No Faith'' policy can get You killed!...
Sure,..Our Faith is
being ''Tested'' every minute ,..every hour of every day,..But I'd
rather hear ''Job Well Done My Good and
Faithful Servent''...than,.''I
Do-Not recognize You,.as You Denied Me,..So I Will Deny You
to the Father''...
Matthew-15:8..''These people draw near to Me with their mouth,..but
their heart is far from Me''
like an ''Eternal'' Death Sentence!..
Corinthians-1:9..''We had the sentence of Death in Ourselves, that We
should Not Trust in Ourselves but in God
who raises the
I'll leave that for You
to ''Chew on and Digest!''..
Bottom line is
this,..God,..as it is written,''Created Heaven and Earth..And All Living
Things''.If You want to Believe in
the ''Big Bang''
theory...good luck!..
If You believe in
God,..and that Jesus is the ''Son of God'' AND was raised from the
Dead,..Witnessed by many,.and a
''Feat'' that has Never
been repeated,..Than When it
comes time for ''Us'' to meet the Lord,..I'll be there with the many
who are waiting,..and
for the ''Non-Believers'',..They can say..''IL My Bacon Well
Done!''...Enough said!
It is up to You..GOD=Eternal
Life...Not Believing in God=Eternal Darkness..and Living in ''Hell''..I
rest my case!
Time to re-fill my
''Cup O Joe!''...Much Love to All of You as I leave You with these
''You can trust in God
in the Dark as well as in the Light...Ask!''
Resurrection spelled the death
of Death''
''Where Will You Spend
Eternity?...just Believe!''
Till next week,.Sherrie
and I hold All of You and Our Country and Warriors in Prayer..
May We Always be able
to say..''May God Bless America'',..for it IS ''In God We Trust''..AMEN..See
You at 5 P.M.!
Pastor Frank.the
''Preacher'' and Sherrie...