The earth and myself are of one
mind. The measure of the land and the measure of our bodies are the
''Chief Joseph''...Nez Perce Chief..
Well..Another ''Goooood Morning'' to You!
Let's go grab that ''Cup O' Joe''...or
any 'Good' libation that ''Light's Your Fire'' and Go grab That Favorite
''Nesting Area'' and 'Plop Down!'...Rest a spell while we discuss
a ''Little Diddy'' called ''What About Us!''...
O.K. Now..''What About US!?''...and Who is Us!...
My Daughter ''Wrote and Sang'' the Title Song..'What About Us'..a
few years ago....
She gave it to Our ''Wounded Warrior Ministry'' as a 'Gift'..She
said She Wrote it about ''Relationship's''..The Who and Why of thing's
in Life..And then said that the More She thought about it..after a
''Few'' word changes..It was more suited for thePlight of the
''Viet-Nam'' Veteran's and Their
She had a ''Knowledge'' far above Her Year's..Everytime I hear it
Sung and Watch the Video..I get ''Tears in My Eye's''
I so well remember that She too grew up a ''Little Viet-Nam''
Veteran so to speak..She was my little ''Flower'' My Hope.
Now..''What is ''Our Plight?''..We..As Men of
Responsibility..Well..'Kid's'' Actually then..Whether ''Drafted or
Enlisted'' Went toa Far Away Place called ''Never' Land''..or 'Viet-Nam'
as We know it!...a place of ''Horror''...Hell and Nightmare's..a Place
''One Minute'' You were there..the next You were gone..You didn't
really get too close to Anyone..but You became ''Brother's''
Then..After leaving '' OZ'' You were Home again!...Leaving Your ''Innocence
and Youth'' behind!...Why..My Cousin and I along with Many of ''Our
Brother's'' Fought in a Place called..''Happy Valley''...We called it
the ''Valley of Tear's''...Many of You also
were in Your ''Own Valley of Tear's''..
We Came ''No Home''...''Shadow Soldier's'' per a
Country that ''Didn't Know Us'...But would send the ''Many'' as a ''Sacrifice
in Freedom's Name''...Casualties
of War,..All of Us..whether ''Wounded in Action'' or Not..Still
''Wounded'' in Spirit..Heart..and Soul....Not to forget ''Our
Families''...Whom also became
''Casualties of War ''as they
tried to Understand Us and Lived Our War with us everyday on the
News's...then Relived Our
Nightmare's trying to cope and adjust..of which many of
Us are still pondering..
''What About Us''..We the Veteran's...You the Family..You the
Country who sent Us..What About Our Fear's..What About Our
Tear's...Let's See What the Bible Say's!...And a Big ''YES'' there is
Hope for All Who Believe in His Word!..
Revelation-21:4...''God will wipe away every tear from their
O.K..But that sure doesn't give me much ''Comfort'' Pastor!..
John-14:1...''Let not your heart be troubled. You are trusting
God now trust in Me''
Hebrews-13:6...''The Lord is my Helper and I am not afraid of
anything that mere man can do to me.''
Psalms-34:17-19...''Yes the Lord hears the good man when he calls
to Him for help, and saves him out of all his troubles the good man
does Not Escape all troubles he has them too, but the Lord helps him in
each and every one.''
Isaiah-26:34...''He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust
in him, those whose thoughts turn often to the Lord. Trust in the Lord
God always, for the Lord Jehovah is your everlasting
O.K..ok!..I'll stop 'Preaching all these Proverbs to you!'...BUT!..I
wanted you to see just a ''little'' insight on what ''Our
Savior'' has to say ''About
Us''..and how His Word is the True Light and the Way to ''Inner
Peace''...Didn't say it was going to be easy
But in All Fairness..It's God's Way or the ''Bye Way!''...and I
mean ''Bye!''...
Seek Him Out..He's just a ''Knock Away''.....''Where is He You
Asked?''...Just a ''Knock Away!''...He's been a ''Knocking'' on
Your Heart for quite awhile..only You haven't been Your
O.K...I've done enough damage here today,.got every-one all
''riled-up'' ..So..'ll let You 'Digest'' this lump of Proverbs and
maybe....Maybe You'll hear the Knock..Open Up the ''Door to Your
Heart''..First to Jesus..Your Family..then
to Yourself..
I leave You with these thoughts..
''Heavens delights will far outweigh earths difficulties.''
''Think of a land of no sorrow no fear no death or sickness..think
of a land of ''No Tears''..
''What About Us?''...''Rebuild Your Life on The Solid
Foundation-Jesus Christ.''
Sherrie and I Continue to Pray Daily for All of You..Our Warriors
and Our Nation,..
May God Bless You..and God Bless America..for it is ''In God We
Trust''...Pastor Frank and Sherrie..