A Little ''After Veteran's
Day Message To ALL ''Our Warriors!''
Goooood Morning Viet-Nam!, Remember
that call?! I do!
'crack open them 'c-ration's',
grab that pack of 'instant coffee'
get some ''C-4'' n' let's burn us a ''Cup
o' Joe'' and 'Yak about the Nam!
'NOW?' Well, I was at a
''Marine Corps Ball'', talking to
some ''Fresh'' ''Brand New''
Marine's, Well, they started
asking questions about the ''Combat'.
Was kinda like the movie ''Full
Metal Jacket!'' ''Did Ya See A
lot of Combat Sarge?'' They asked.
Being of 'Sound Mind and Body',
of course I just HAD to answer,
''Yup, Only what I seen on T.V!''
Then I corrected my ''foolish way'' and
said, ''Why I was
with a real bunch of 'Hero's'? I was with
''Suicide Charlie 1/7 Marine Division''
could of ''Dropped a Bomb!''
Really they replied, Your one of
''Chesty Puller's'' Marine's!.
Their ''eyeball's lit up like kids at
''Christmas'',.Was I surprised!
kinda ''puffed-up'' a little, made
Me ''Proud'' to have ''Served with
Hero's'' Brother's All,
And then ''Boom''.
Happened to
of You ''Viet-Nam Veteran's''?
''Is it True How All of You Were Treated
when You Got Home?''
Needless to say, The ''Weight
of 58,000 Fallen Warrior's'' seemed to
Land on My Shoulder's at once,
I got very 'Quiet', my
shoulder's sagged a little and I
teared up some.
They said they were Sorry the asked such
an ''Awkward Question'',
but they
Learned about it in their ''Marine Corp's
''No I said, it was just that
it was ''So Long Ago'', but it
seemed like 'Yesterday!'
I rattled on a little about the ''Country
and the Changing attitude's and all that
the ''Ball'' started and they ''shook my
paw'' and left maybe little 'Wiser' as
Marine's get finding out ''Truth'',
They seemed a ''Little Prouder'' as they
walked away '
'Saluting'' and yelling''OOORRRAAAH!
All of Us ''Viet-Nam Veteran's'',
From All Service's Still Remember and for
some 'Still Carry'' that Pain!
Favorite Question, Again,
''What Would Jesus Do?''
Matthew..21:8-9. ''As Jesus entered
the Town, Some threw down their
coats and some put down Palm's as He
Entered the City, ''Praise
Him, they shouted!
Praise God in the highest heaven!''
''Few Day's Later, They
''Crucified Jesus!''
Jesus was ''Cheered then Jeered''
NO!, I ain't a 'comparing' us with
Jesus, Bless God in The
Highest though,
What I'm saying is this, The
Call Came and we went, Some
'drafted, some of us ''Enlisted'',
But We went, and when We went
in the ''Early Part'' of the War,
Some of Us were sent off with a 'Band' or
a 'Bunch of Well Wishers',
When We Came Home, ''Don't
Wear Your Uniform'' We were told!
The ''Proud and Tired Warrior's''
were ''Cheered then Jeered!''
That ''Was'' then, This is ''Now'',
Let's Learn From the Past, Let's
Stand for
''Our Next Generation Warriors''
Never Must a Country Turn Her Back on Our
''Veteran's Again! We
are truly ''A Band of Brother's, and
All Wear ''Our Medal's of Honor'',
When We Put on ''Our Dog Tag's!''
Well, that's it 'for thinkin' bout
the ''Nam!'', ''Welcome Home!''.
Aw shuck's ,
say, 'Been Home for bout' forty plus
years now!'', Where Ya been?
I'll Leave You with this 'Little
Ephesian's..2:8-9..''For it is by grace
you have been saved, through Faith, and
this is not from yourselves, it is the
gift of God,-not by works, so that no one
can boast''
Brother's, ''These are Glorious
Day's We Live in!''
Love All of You ''Warrior's'' so much,
Keep in mind though, How We are,
We Treat Each Other AND Our Families,
Reflects Who We are Inside.
Let's Show Love and Compassion, We
Must Not Make those Around Us
''Casualties of War''.
Sherrie and I Hold You All in Prayer with
the Father, God Bless Our
''Troop's'' and God Bless America!
Till Next Week, Pastor / Chaplain Frank,
the ''Preacher''