''The old Indian teaching was that it is wrong to tear loose from its
place on the earth anything that might be growing there.
It may be cut off, but it should not be uprooted. The trees and the
grass have spirits. Whatever one of such growths may
be destroyed by some good Indian, his act is done in sadness and with a
prayer of forgiveness because of his necessities.''
''Wooden Leg''...Cheyenne
''Top O' The Morning'' out there!
Let's throw those legs over the side of the bed now and ''wobble'' over
to the kitchen counter,
Time to fix up that brew and make that ''Cup O' Joe!''...Wipe the sleep
outta' them ''Eye-Sockets'' and plunge into that favorite
cushion or couch,..We be doing some ''Investigating'' on a 'Topic'
You might want to check Your ''Birth- Certificate'',..make sure You
have one,..Look into the Mirror,..Do You see a Reflection
of Yourself?....Sounds like that ''Sci-Fi'' movie..''Body Snatchers''
...Maybe You have only a ''Laboratory Report'' You just
never know with all this ''Techno-Science!''
Cloning..Ha!..But, is actually has been done!...Some Scientists
cloned sheep,..rats,..worms,..Still out on if they got to Us
yet though,..Probably Top Secret!...
It is said that Everyone has a Double though,...Me,..I'd rather
not, ''Spooky!''...
Lets see what ''Scripture says about that!''...
Job-33:4...''The Spirit of God has made me, the Breath of Almighty God
gives me Life.''
Psalm-139:13-16...''For You Created my inmost being, You knit me
together in my mother's womb, I praise You because I am
fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderful, I know that
full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I
was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths
of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.''
It was said that ''Cloning'' was meant to 'Reproduce and Harvest''
living parts to replace those that ''Broke Down!''...
Hmmmm,..To Create a Life, only to Destroy it to fix another,...''Whats
Wrong With That Picture?'' Are We Becoming ''god's''
making ''Images'' of Our-self?...Then to Create for parts another
life,..A bit mixed up I think!...
''I knew your name before you were born,..I know the time of your
ending''..Words of God about Our short stay here on this
Make Me a ''Double'' please,.then chop off different parts to replace
and fix mine!,..Let the ''Other Me'' live as a host, or Die
as a ''Replacement!''... Yea,..that fits the bill!
God must be ''Sharpening'' up them O'l Lightning Bolts up there for
these ''Rocket Scientists!''..Or maybe He's just letting them
''Stoke the Fire'' down below,..Mess with God's Creation and...Well,
I'll let you figure that on out!..
Seems kinda ''Erie'' to think that today,..Doctor's can let you pick
your ''New Babies'' Gender!...''Boy or Girl?...Whats Your
Pleasure!....Go ahead Doc.,...''Supersize my order!''..
Bible, is ''Against'' anything that Defies or Defiles the Word or
the Work's of God,..whether it be ''Abortion,..Cloning,...
Destroying Nature''....Things like that....Read the ''Above'' saying
from the ''Native Americans''...they say it best!...
The ''Native American's'' believed in taking only what they
needed,..and replacing it with same..Call it Conservation!..
But as man gets to be more ''modern'' and the population
increases,..this land of ours,the earth gets more decayed..including
the minds of the ''Industrial Revolutionists!''..Pollute for gain is
the way I see it at times!...Our Garden of Eden is ''Spoiling''
Yes,.there are some who are trying to ''Go Green',..hoping it is not to
little to late!
A ''Thought''..When GOD Created man after His Own Image,.Would
Scientists call that ''Cloning!''...just a ''Thought!''
Anyway,..I'm getting a little ''off-track'' here,..seems though it all
ties in anyway,..
Time to get a ''Re-Fill'' on my Cup O' Joe anyway,..So,..I'll leave you
with these ''Parables..
''GOD provides the power we need to persevere with''
''When You are Born Again,..You become a CITIZEN of heaven''
''Our God is a GOD of second chances!''
Again,..let Me say that Sherrie and I hold You,.Our ''Warrior's'',..and
Our Country in Prayer..
Say a Prayer Yourself,..for ''Yourself'',..add these Great ''United
State's'' in it,..We so Desperately need a ''Healing''...
May We Always be able to say...''May GOD Bless America',.for it is in
''GOD We Trust''
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie...
Tune ~ Only believe |