''The Great Spirit is in all things, He is in the air we breath.
The Great Spirit is our Father, but the earth is
our Mother. She nourishes us,..that which we put into the ground
She returns to us.''
''Big Thunder''..Algonquin
John:19:27-27. Jesus looked down from the cross and saw
John..''Mother he is Your Son'',..and to John
He said, ''She is Your Mother.''
This Story is About a 'Trip' to The Wall, and The Meaning of the
''A Band of Brother's'',..and What Our Mother's Mean to us....
I'll start with 2-Corinthian's...''We are confident, yes, well
pleased rather to be absent from the body, and
to be present with The Lord''....On to the story...
It is ok to cry,..as Jesus Himself had suffering and cried on the
'Mount of Olive's''...
I call this story ''The Wall''...
I was at the Wall on a chilly December evening,...there was a light
snow falling gently, and it was very cold,...as I walked up,..I saw
the small figure of a woman standing there,...wrapped in a shawl,
covering her head..Her hand outstreached, was touching a name etched
above her head,..As I approached, she turned her face toward's me,...a
small teardrop was frozen on her cheek...I stopped, and stood back,
respecting her privacy. As I looked on,, I could hear her talking in a
frail,..wavering voice..''Son,...I miss you so much,..why did you have
to die son'' she asked,....
There were short sob's coming from her, mingling with my own..What
I now take to be a ''Miracle'', is something I cannot explain
rationally...The wind stopped blowing,..the snow stopped falling,..a
warm breeze followed,..then I saw it...
A shadow of a ''Hand'' appeared,..the finger's interlacing with her
own,..then a handsome young face appeared,..''Reflecting'' on the
'Wall''...''Mother,I Love You so much,..I am at peace here,...I have
no pain,...no hunger,...and am with many''
he said,..''And Mother,...God told me when it is time for You to
come Home,..He will send me down with a ''Color Guard'' to Escort
You''...''Mother,...that man standing
over there,...He is my Brother, for he stood with me in Battle, and
was with me when I fell,...and since You are my Mother,..and I call
him 'Brother',..He is also Your Son''
Mother, I have to go now,...for The Lord has granted your
'Heartfelt Prayer',...I will see you again in Heaven,..I Love You so
much Mother'',..with that, the snow started falling again, and the
cold wind 'kicked' up..and he was gone...The Mother approached me,
Smiling!...She took my face in her hand's and kissed my cheek,..
''Welcome Home Son'' she said with ''Such Joy in her face''...You
should go Home now, You too Have a Mother waiting for you to return
she said as she wiped the tear's from my eye's,...she dropped her
handkerchief,..I reached down to pick it up,..as I stood up, She was
We are All Children of GOD,..which makes Us All Brothers and
Sisters,..a Soldiers Mother is a ''Mother'' to Us All!.
Think of What the Bible say's..John 3;16,...''For God So Loved The
World, He gave His Only Begotton Son''...
Because 'Jesus' Live's,..Death is a Tragedy now,..but a Triumph of
Eternal Life for those who ''Believe in Him''.
Today,..Our Country still gives up her 'sons, and now daughters' in
Freedoms name...as Jesus died to ''Free us from sin''..
Our Soldiers die to ''Keep us Free.''
Mens lives lead to ''Certain Ends'',..But can the ''End'' be
changed if a man Changes his way's?
So it is in ''Our Walk of Faith''...To Believe or not,..each man
must bridge that gap in their Spiritual Search...
the Decision is a ''Life Making Choice,...it is a Search for a
Destiny of Life after or a ''Lifeless'' life after...You choose.
Remembering the Christmas Spirit,..Keep All in Your Heart as Family
in these ''Troubled'' times during the Holidays and
in fact forever...Treat as You want to be Treated,..Love as You
want to be Loved...
I close with these ''Parables''
''God's work in us isn't over when We receive Christ,..it has just
'To live is Christ,..to die is gain.''
Those who Love Christ,..need not Fear Death.''
Be safe in Your Walk,..Keep the ''Spirit'' alive in Your Deeds..
May God Bless All of You ,..Our Country,.and Our Troops,.
May We Always be able to say,..''May God Bless America''..for it is
in GOD We Trust!...
Pastor Frank the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie..