And a ''Merry...Merry
Christmas;; To All,...
Before all the
''Fritters'' in the House Wake Up,...Your Kid's,..
YOUR 'Grand
kid's',..Neighbor's Kids!...Go Grab that ''Cup O' Joe'',.or
that 'Mug' of hot
chocolate,..and for you 'early' party bird's a Big O'l
''Hot Toddy!''
l o w l y,..ease into that ''comfy'' chair..and let's
begin this ''Blessed
Christmas'' the 'right way',..
''Our Father Who Art in
Heaven,..We give You All the 'Praise and Glory'
and We Humbly Come Unto You as
Children,.Thanking You for Your
Many Blessing's ''Bestowed''
upon us''...A M E N!

Now,..We 'Properly Thanked The
Lord on His 'Birthday'!...Yes,..I know,..
He really was Born in
'April',..The O'l Roman's kinda put Dec. out there
because of the
''Winter-Solstice!''..go figure!.
''The First Christmas
Light'',..You see,.. I'm not going to do 'Scripture and
'bore' you with stories of the
'Birth of our ''Baby Jesus'', can turn
on any 'Radio'
or ''T.V.'' station and hear
it over and over again,..But I will tell you about
the ''Blessing'' of His
Luke 2:9-10,..''A Star shown
'Bright' in the heavens,..suddenly an angel
appeared among them, and the
landscape shown bright with the
Glory of the Lord.''
It was indeed the ''First
Christmas Light's'',.. That is why it was said that
''Jesus'' would be the 'Light
of the World''
Luke -2:32..''He is the
'Light' that will Shine upon the Nation's''...
Christmas is such a ''Holy
so commercial
now,..everyone seems to forget
it is about ''Our Savior's Birth'',..
''Born in a ''Manger'' in a
'cow's barn'..As low as it gets,.But!, was God's
plan that He start off that
way,..After all His Kingdom is in Heaven!..
Jesus,.. in His Life,.. tried
to show us, as He ''Walked thru life with nothing
but the 'clothes' on His
back,..That God in ''Our Walk of Faith'' would
provide,...''Do the birds
worry about their bounty?''..The Father provides
for them,..will He not for
Enough said,.. Just a
Christmas thought,.after all,.. when we join Jesus,..
where are 'ya' gonna park that
'Big O'l ''S.U.V?''
One more thing to
''Ponder'',..Not so much for you ''Warrior's'',.. but for those
who have not gone ''without''
or stood in service for Our Country...
Today,..While You are
''Emptying Your Stocking'',.I want You to know that ''Somewhere'' over
a Soldier is ''Emptying Sand
from Their Boot's''
''Some-One is Giving up Their
Today's,..So that You
Might have Your Tomorrow''
No,..I'm not being a
''Smart-Fanny'' here,.. it is just a ''Reality'' check,.. also
to know that Some ''Brave
Warrior'' just Gave Their Life,.. so that I might
be able to ''Have a Holiday''
God Bless All of Those
''Unselfish Warriors'' ..Today they are ''walking''
in the 'Light of Jesus'
I Leave You with this
''As Jesus Died to Free Us
From Sin,..Our Warriors Die to Keep Us Free''
''Happy Birthday Jesus'',..To
those whom have past,..''Happy Birthday in Your New Life with Jesus''
Sherrie and Myself Wish All of
You a ''Very Special Holy Day Warm Wish''
I know,.. this Message was
kind of a ''Downer'' to some,..But the only pain
You should feel is ''After''
Christmas, your ''Credit Card Bill!''

''God is The Light'',..Keep it
God Bless America!..and
You!..Pastor Frank n' Sherrie
are going to ''Bond!'',..My
''Tummy'',. it'll be
aching, From the..''Yuletide''