"Happy New
Before you cross another ''T'' or dot another ''
i ''
Cratchet,..go n' grab that 'cup o' joe', throw some more
coal in
the stove and pull up a chair,..Time for your New Year's
Cratchet!?'',.Oop's!..that was ''Christmas,..and now that's

Well,.what's the 'Point!'...Last Year, I talked about how on the
last day
of the
year the Sun goes down over the mountain closing out the year,..
All Hopes,
Unfulfilled Dreams and Goals gone Forever...
But when
the Sun rises again,. all the 'Shadows' of the 'Old' disappear, and
only does
the new Sun rise,..but a ''New Year'' starts All Over Again.
Promises are Made,.New Hopes Begin,..More Dreams are Started...
This last
Year was very hard for some, and very Sad for Many,..We have
seen the
''Passing'' of many 'Loved Ones',..We have seen many 'War'
casualties,..the Fall of an 'Economy' and the ''Trials'' of a
I often
'Wonder' why We, as a Nation,..as 'Individuals' are tested so, and
Faith,..Your Faith..''Our Faith'' How do We Stand with God?
ain't ''Worth a Speck of Dust'' on Our Lords Sandal,.My sin's are
like the
''grains of sand''.. But Jesus in His Mercy And Sacrifice said
that His
Blood washed away All ''Our Sins''..
1:17a..''Come Follow Me''
That is
All Jesus asks!...But what if I fall, Who will stand by me,.Who
will help
me up?....................................................Jesus!
But I ask
in His Name,.. Walk with me, in His Light,..help me when I
fall,.as I
am 'Human' I will,..and I,.no We will help ''Each Other'' as
We should!

Our Walk
of Faith in this ''New Year'',..We will need each other so much
more now
than ever...
Matthew..28 :20...''Teach these ''New Disciples'' to Obey All the
I have
given,..and be sure of this, that I am with you Always, even to the
end of
the world''
Hmmm,..Diciples?,..Actually,..We are in a sense,..You see, We as
when we
share the ''Good Word'' become 'Disciples' of Truth, not like the
'Day's of
Old' but of our ''New Fellowship'' with each other in 'God's Name'
many things to say,..so little time..Well,. We have another..
Year'' to Fellowship with each other...
''Today is
the First Day of the rest of your life,..The Path you take today,
Paves the
Road you Walk Tomorrow''
Remember,..With ''Great Power comes Great Responsibility''
that choice well,..Pray for 'Guidance''..
I need to
let O'l Bob Cratchet go home,..Guess he stayed after ''Christmas''
and I sure
ain't ''Scrooge!''..I leave you with this ''Proverb'..
4:11-12..''I guide you in the way of 'Wisdom' and lead you along
paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered, when
you run,
you will not stumble''..
May The
Good Lord 'Bless' All of You in Your ''New Walk of Faith''
Year,...Ask Jesus to 'Hold His Lamp' for you to see a clear path..
and I Pray for You, and ask that God Hold You Close to His Heart,
and For
those Whom have had a 'Loved One' pass over to God's Kingdom,
Hold you
in His Comfort,...
May We
Always be able to say,..''May God Bless America'',..for it is
''In God
We Trust'' ..
Faithful Servant Pastor Frank the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie''