''You have noticed
that everything an Indian does is in a circle and that is because the Power of
the World
always works in circles and everything tries to be round...The sky is round and
I have heard that the earth is
round like a ball and so are all the stars. The wind in its greatest power
whirls. Birds make their nests in circles,
for theirs is the same religion as ours... Even the seasons form a great circle
in their changing, and always come
back again to where they were...The life of a man is a circle from childhood to
manhood and so it is in everything
where power moves.'' Black Elk..''Oglala Sioux''
And ''Top O' The Morning to Everyone one week onto this ''New Year!''
Let's go Grab that ''Cup O' Joe'' and settle down a spell..As we ''Consume''
that 'Cup' Together
I'll discuss today's subject...''Consume-Consuming!''..
I can assure you that it will be a ''wee bit'' confusing,..so put on your
'thinking caps!'
Seems that everything is back to ''Normal'' now that Christmas and ''New
Year's'' is a thing of the past!
Vow's were made,..Promises and New Year's Resolutions were also made in Earnest
but ''ahhh'' only again to
be ''Broken'' as we fly along into the long year ahead!..
''What You Say Pastor!''..
No harm meant to anyone..no finger pointing at all..why in fact...New Year's is
just a ''Blur'' now,..another Holiday
put behind Us!..
Why...I still see the ''Empty Stocking'' on the fireplace..the ''One'' filled
with ''Promises'' to a 'Baby Born in Bethlehem'
Filled with promises of Honesty...Love...Compassion and Hope...''Empty?''...If
the Stocking is filled..how can it be Empty!
Well...I saw the ''Black Friday''...I saw the Black Sunday Shoppers at the
Mall...''Good Cheer and Good Will?''
I think not..Good ''Fights'' was bout' the picture I got from it..and if I ..No..We
seen it..Who else was watching it too?
Couldn't be ''Jesus'' could it?....
''Consume - Consumed''....Folks were Consumed with ''Greed'' and not
''Goodwill'' as they fought..kicked
and even ''Maced'' to get a ''Deal!''..
Seems that O'l Bird Satan was there to ..''Consume'' everyone he could..kinda
like he was a trying to take away
from the ''Spirit of Christmas''..ruin the Lord Jesus Birthday!...Did a pretty
good job of it too!...
With New Year's here.. instead of feeling good about themselves folks are
feeling the ''brunt'' of their own
selfishness AND the credit card bill's that will follow!..
Does it take a 'Holiday' to keep the ''Good Cheer'' ..Why do folk's wait once a
year to ''Buy'' Happiness?
If We truly Believe as Christian's,..then each day is a Gift and it is wrapped
in Happiness.And We should be ''Consumed''
in His Joy while We Consume His Word!..
As ''Men AND Women of Faith''...Should We not be of Good Faith and Cheer
everyday?..Yes it truly is hard if not impossible
to be Happy everyday..But!...When We wake up with the Lord in Our Heart..it is
indeed a day to be Happy about!...
Don't 'Consume' negativity..and Don't be 'Consumed' by the Bad things or
Matthew-16:21...''For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and
loses his own soul?''
Luke-1:1-2...''Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that
have been fulfilled among us,
just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitness
and servants
of the word.''
It's still early in the New Year to get on track,..again!...
Turn back onto the Path of Righteous in Your ''Walk of Faith'',..that 'Fork in
the Road leads to a 'Sharp Knife'..ready
to 'Slice into Your Soul'...
Let the ''Word'' be a ''Lamp unto Your Feet'' His Word Will Guide You,....it is
Your ''G.P.S.'' in Life!..
O.K,..I'm done a ''Hootin'' at You.anyway,..I need to ''Consume'' another 'Cup O
I'll leave You to be ''Consumed'' by these ''Parables!''
''God sees the giver as well as the gift, the heart as well as the hand.''
''Our Salvation was infinitely costly to God, but it was absolutely Free to
''Every Christian should be an expectant up-looker, not a sleepy onlooker!''
May GOD truly Bless All of You in this ''New Year''..may He hold close to His
Heart All of You and Your Family,
May He put His Hand of Comfort over Our Warriors in Harm's Way..
And Most of All..May We Always be able to say..''May God Bless America''....for
it is ''In God We Trust!''
Sherrie and I keep All of You in Prayer!
Let's pick up and Start New Year Right!'...STOP!..Give God an ''OOORRAAAH!'' See
You in Church the 15th!..
Pastor Frank the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie!... |