Whooeee,..it's hard to 'believe' that ''Christmas'' and ''New Year's'' has
come and gone already,.the only thing that hasn't left is the 'weight' I
gained being ''Festive'' at the Holiday Table!

Now,..go grab that
''cup o' joe,..two aspirin and.. s l o w l y ease yourself into any chair you
can sit in,..Lets start the ''New Year'' off very gently!
Christmas,.what a
''Blessing'',..the only time where everybody gives the ''Baby Jesus''
His time,..being His Birthday and all,..To bad we can't keep 'Cheer'' in
our heart all year like that!
Which brings me to
the ''First New Years Message''....''God's Door's!''
We now,..in the
'Twilight' of our life,..for some of us anyway,..realize that 'God's'
ways are not always our ways!..
We want,..we
ask,..we 'Pray' for many things,..some we get,..some we don't!...Why you
ask,..doesn't God hear my Prayer?..Why didn't He answer or give it to me!..
I know you well, you aren't Strong, but you have tried to obey and have
not denied My Name,..Therefore I have opened a door to you that no one can
What does all this
God,..in His
'Wisdom' gives us what we need,.not always what we want!
While He ''shuts''
some doors on us,..He always ''opens'' up another, whether it is right away,
or in due time,..it's in His Time...
We seem to always
want, and sometime want things that we don't need, and some of these things
can do more harm than good,..God See's All,
We can't see the
''Big Picture'' so to speak...
''Men's lives lead
to certain ends,.If those lives change,..won't the end be changed?..
Yes,..The 'Road to
Heaven' is narrow,..the road to hell is wide and looks like it's paved with
gold,..Many take this road, easy as it is thinking that they are the 'lucky
ones',.. The Door's to 'Heaven are ''Shut'' to this road...
What ''Destiny''
awaits us this year?..Do we pick door number one,..door number two,.or door
number three like that game show?
This is the
beginning of the ''New Year'',..let's play it like we already ''Won the
Super Bowl'',..Our game plan should be in line with God's
Don't let the ''bad
guys'' pik your lock,..Pray to God to guide you to the right door,..stay on
the ''Right Road'' this year,..It's your decision,.it's your destiny,.its your
Door to Your Future!..
God Gave You the
''Key'' to Heaven,..Choose your road wisely..does it lead to the 'Right Door?'
What did Jesus
say?..''Knock and the Door will be Opened ...Seek and you will find''
Yup,.I'm done
sermoning' about this,..Life really isn't a game,..or is it?
Hmmmmm,...I guess
you could ask ol' satan,..he has many keys to many doors!

I leave you with
this Proverb-15:33..''The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and
humility comes before honor''
Proverb-16:16-17..''How much better to get wisdom than gold, and good judgment
than silver!,..The Path of the virtuous leads away from evil, whoever follows
this path is safe!''
Well,..Think about
Your next Step,..its up to you what door you want to go thru,..Pray before you
knock,..if it opens, its by the ''Will of God'',..if it doesn't.. dust your
shoes off,.walk away,.a ''Forced entry'' might lead you to the road that
leads to ''hell'',..don't need any of that..right!
Till next
week,..Sherri and I Pray for All of You and ''Our Warrior's''
in 'Harms Way''
Pastor Frank.the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie
God Bless You,..God
Bless America,..''
''We'll Leave the
Porch Light On!''