Were into the 'Final
Week' of the ''New Year!''...Questions
have been asked about many 'promises' made for the
New Year's
and about the ''Accountability'' to God for
promises made and broken...
First,..Go ''Grab that O'l Cup o' Joe'',..hunker
down with your fuzzie socks
on,.through a log in the 'Fireplace' if you got
one,..Like we say in the
Service,..''Smoke'm if ya got'em!''
We make so many ''Promises'',..so many
''Commitments'',..All in ''Good Faith''
but many Never kept or 'Fulfilled!''..and
Why?..Were 'only human!''..
And ''The BIG Question''..What about our
''Accountability'' to God,..what does
it mean?..When does it 'begin!?'
ANSWER:..The Day You Accepted Jesus Christ as Your
Savior!..The ''Tab''
You made an ''Agreement'',..a 'Contract' signed in
''Blood'',..in ''The Blood
You accepted Full Responsibility for Your Actions
AND Words,..of course,
Jesus knows that we're NOT Perfect,.. and We are Sinners,.But What about
all the Sins we already committed,.and will
commit?,,Are we 'Doomed!?'
Micah -7:19..''Once again You will have compassion
on us.You will tread
our sins beneath Your feet;
you will throw them into the depths
of the ocean.You will bless
us as You promised Jacob long ago''
The day you accepted ''Our Savior'',.He washed you
in 'His Blood' and
cleansed you of ALL sin!...
You got a ''Paid in Full'' receipt..Courtesy of
Jesus!...But!..There's a ''clause''
Isaiah..43 : 25..''I alone am He who blots away
your sins for My own sake,
and will Never think of them again''
Jeremiah..29 : 11..''For I know the plans I have
for you, says the Lord. They
are plans for 'Good' and not for 'Evil',..to give
you a future and a hope''
That's what happens to All of your
sins!,..Gone,..''Over''..Don't know ''What
your talking about!''... ...Don't
bring them up,..Never Happened!
Every morning I jump up and sing ''Oh Happy Day''!
Let's get back to the ''Topic..Accountability!''
Matthew:12 : 36-37...''And I tell you this, that
you must give account on
'Judgment Day' for every idle word you speak.Your
words NOW reflect
your fate then : either you will be justified or
you will be condemned''
tells us,..From that date on,..He holds us responsible for
our actions AND deeds. We as 'Christians' have
been given a ''second chance'
''We Talk the talk,..Now Walk the walk!''...and
yes,. We will 'stumble,..
we will fall'..God knows that,..but We have to
'Answer' to Him our intent,.
was it in a ''Malicious and Evil'' way or just in
a 'Learning to Walk' like a
I figure this,..It's the ''Beginning'' of the
Year,..Better to set up the ''Ground
Rules'' again for those who forgot or weren't
quite sure,..We don't want to
get caught ''Red-Faced and Bare Bottomed'' because
We forgot what being
a Christian is all about!.
''Followers of Christ''..No more no less,..When we
slip,..Jump up,.. 'Dust'
your backside off,..Ask for forgiveness in
''Prayer''..most important is
Prayer,..Gods ''911'' hot-line!..and Start Over!..
Well,..I Could go and ''Preach'' this all day,.but
my O'l cup o' Joe is cold,
and there's frost on my toes..Gotta go!
Think About this,..A ''Second Chance'' and being
sense to me,..Help 'Each Other'.. ''The Oceans
I'll close with this ''Parable''..
Proverb..8:32..''Now my children, listen
to me, because those who follow My
''The Journey of a Thousand miles,..
Starts with a single step''
Till next week,.Sherrie and I hold all of You in
Our Prayers and are here if
you need a little ''lifting'',..
If You have a 'subject' you would like me to
talk on,..send it to me!
God Bless You,..''God Bless America',..and God
Bless Our ''Warriors''..
Because it is in..''GOD WE TRUST!'',.Pastor Frank
n' Sherrie
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