''We,..As a Nation
must Never Turn Our Backs on Our Veteran's,..Ever Again!''
With that being said,..Gary Sinese and His ''Lt. Dan
Band'' are Hosting a Concert
To help build an 'Adaptive Home' for one of Our
Recently ''Wounded Warrior's''..
A Marine Corporal who was hit by an ''I.E.D.''...He is
now a ''Triple Amputee''..
Hold off on that ''Latte'' or skip a movie and throw a
''Couple O' Bucks'' in an envelope,
Help Our Old Pal ''Lt. Dan'' achieve His Mission.. Help
Give this Marine the ''Key'' not
only to a ''New Home''..but a Key that will open a door
to a ''New Life'' for Him and His
Deserving Family....Be the ..''WE CARE'' not the
''Don't Care'' American...
''View Gary Sinese and Corporal Dominguez''...click
on... http://youtu.be/FQOdorMaBq4
''CALL-718-987-1931'' DONATION'S!...
''Hear me, four quarters of the world, a relative I am!
Give me the strength to walk the soft earth,
a relative to all that is! Give me the eyes to see and
the strength to understand, that I may be
like you. With your power only can I face the winds.''
''Black Elk'' Oglala Sioux Holy Man
And a Goooood Morning on this ''Misty''..Cold ..Rainy..Snowy
Well come on now,..put on Your ''Fuzzies''..button the
''backside'' of Your Long-johns now..
Don't want a ''Southern Exposure'',..and Go Grab that
''Cup O' Joe'' or that ''Hot Toddy!''...
Me,..Im'a gonna ''Lock'' the Door,..put the ''Guard
Dog's'' out,.on account of I'm going to discuss
a ''Sore Topic'' this Morning,.and it might,...and I
mean Might ''Piss'' some folks off!...
Yea..I said it,..''Piss''...Why You ask!?...Well,..seem's
''Four Marines'' some of Our ''Finest'' kinda
got caught with their ''Pants'' down,.doing just
that,..''Peeing'' on some ''Taliban''...''Extinct Ones''
at that!...
Also seems One of those ''Bone-Head'' Marine's..''Oop's,..I'm
a Marine Too!...Yup..another ''Bone-Head''
I guess... Anyway,..They..for the life of me, and I
don't know why,.''Posted'' the video on the ''Net''
and now They're in ''Deep-Doo-do!''..
Some of those ''Muckey Muck's'' who ''Squirm'' when
they 'Swat a Fly'' have decided that a ''Good O'l
Back-Wood's Whippin'' is in order and want to
''Publicly Disown'' these ''Warrior's''.
Seems it's ''O.K.'' to let these ''Foreign Countries''
whom We Fight for let ''Their Own Folk's''
Capture Our Wounded,..Kill Them..Drag them 'Naked'
through their streets,..or ''Be-Head'' them put
their Heads on stakes in their City for display,.or
even ''Hang'' body parts on a ''Bridge'' for All to see!
Do these 'Mucky-Mucks' know what these Young Men and
Women are going through?
Maybe they were ''Ambushed'' Yesterday..or saw their
''Bud's'' Decimated by an ''I.E.D.''..
John..8-7..''He Who Has No Sin,..let Them Cast the
First Stone''
No place for ''Poly-Tics'' in War folk's...it
''Pisses'' even Me off!...
''Hmmmm''. What would O'l ''Chesty Puller''
say?...''Move Over Boyz,..Got Room for One More!''
You ''Viet-Nam Veteran's'',..You 'Warrior's' from a War
past,..We ''Know!''. As We Came Home to a ''Country''
that ''Seen Us,.but didn't know Us!''...We became
''Shadow Soldier's''... Seen but Not Heard!..Hero's
to None but to ''Our Own Kind''...
It is Because of these ''Young Warrior's'' that ''WE''
are No Longer called ''Shadow Soldier's'',..but Now
can ''Hold Our Head's Up Proudly Again!''..
Was it right what they did?..
Yes and No,..''What Preacher?''...No,..I do-Not
''Condone'' nor do I ''Endorse' 'what they did,..I call
it a ''Stress Buster'',..a small 'Tort' in the
Law...Maybe a ''Wrist-Slap'' at most,..but Not a ''Lynching!''
What does the ''Bible'' say Preacher?...
1 Peter - 5:8-9...''Be self controlled and alert. Your
enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking
for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the
Seems like these Marines got ''Bit'' by that O'l lion
the devil....''Bad Judgment'' for sure,..
All this talk about ''Peeing'',.now ''I gotta go
pee!''..But First,..I leave You with these ''Parables''...
''For the Christian..Heaven is spelled...''H.O.M.E.''...Bring
Our 'Warrior's' Home..Safe!
''GOD loves us not because of who We are,..but because
of Who He is!''
''Salvation isn't turning over a new leaf, it's
receiving a new life!.''
Let Us not forget Our Warrior's in ''Harm's Way''..they
pay a high price for Our Comfort..also
Remember Our ''P.O.W.'s and M.I.A.'s''....hold them All
in Prayer..
In ''Our Walk of Faith''..Each Step We take,..It is
''One Step Farther Away from the Past,..and One Step
Closer to the Future''
Sherrie and I hold All of You..and Our Warrior's plus
Our Country in Prayer...
Take a ''Ten Second Prayer Moment'..Thank the Good Lord
for His Sacrifice..
As ''Jesus Died to Free Us from Sin,..Our Warrior's Die
to Keep Us Free''...
May We,..As a Nation,..Always be able to say..''May GOD
Bless America''..for it is in ''GOD We Trust!'..AMEN..
Don't Forget..Please,..please help ''Lt.Dan'' reach His
Goal to Help One of ''Our Own''..You'll Be '' Blessed''
Pastor Frank the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie...