''We had no churches, no religious organizations, no sabbath day, no
holidays, and yet we worshiped.
Sometimes the whole tribe would assemble and sing and pray, sometimes a
smaller number, perhaps
only two or three. The songs had a few words, but were not formal. The
singer would occasionally put
in such words as he wished instead of the usual tone sound. Sometimes we
prayed in silence, sometimes
each prayed aloud. Sometimes an aged person prayed for all of us. At other
times one would rise and
speak to us of our duties to each other and to ''Usen''...( Spirit Father
). Our services were short.''
Geronimo...''Chiricahua Apache Chief''
And another Good Morning to All!..
Up and ''atem'' now!,..Go Grab that ''Cup O' Joe''...or for some
folk's out there,..a ''Hot Toddy'' and
put on those ''Warm Fuzzies'' and wrap up in Your 'Snugly Blanket''..We
going out to ''Explore a Mission,
Not the Recognition'' this morning!...
Romans - 1:20...''For since the creation of the world God's invisible
qualities - His eternal power and Divine
Nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,
so that men are without excuse.''
''Whew!''...What a 'Mouthfull!''...Now,..what does that all mean?
''Hmmmmm''...a ''Mission''...Well,..Life's a mission,..Works a
mission,..Seems that everything We do in life
is a ''Mission'' of sorts,...
What is ''Our Mission'' in Life?...What 'Goals' did We set,..or
accomplish,..Who saw what We did,..did We get
''Recognized'' for Success's...or did We get chastised for any
God,..What was His Mission?...His Mission was ''US!''...Our
''Recognition'' was ''Jesus'' as He was sent to
Fulfill the Mission of God to ''Bring us out of Sin''... A Mission with No
Recognition,..Jesus served His Father
Obediently and Faithfully,..Knowing that He was a ''Sacrifice'',..a Lamb
to be 'Slaughtered,..Yet He,..''Jesus''
the 'Son of God' by saying,..''May Your Will be Done, on Earth as it is in
Heaven'' Recognized that His Sacrifice
was what was needed to achieve the ''Original Mission'' of The Father!...
John-9:39...''I have come into the world to give sight to those who are
spiritually blind and to show those who
think they see,..that they are blind.''
Jesus,..low key in His Ministry,..Did-Not,..I repeat ''Did-Not'' seek
'Recognition' from man in His own 'Walk of
He did not and would not accept favors here that man or even ''Satan''
himself had to offer,...Jesus,..through
''God Almighty'' had a ''Mission without Recognition''...By His Death,..it
was in fact..''Mission Accomplished.''
Now,..Us!..We have many a ''Mission'' in life,..Some ''Big''..some
small,..but it seems that ''We the People''
need Recognition when We do things that we are supposed to do in
life,..but is that being Humble as the
''Word of God'' wants Us to be?...I think not!...
John -5 : 44b...''For you gladly honor each other, but you don't care
about the honor that comes from only God!''
Now,..now,..Don't get Your ''shorts'' all bunched up now,..We as ''Good
Christians'' know this trap or 'pit-fall'
and pretty much avoid all that ''hoopla'',..all though an ''atta-boy''
once in awhile is nice to hear,...
Our ''Focus'' though should be to hear that from God as We reach,..or
achieve the ''Final Mission'' in life
by hearing ''Our Lord'' say,...''Well Done My Good and Faithful Servant''
as it is written!
Luke - 1:1-2..'' Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things
that have been fulfilled among us,
just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were
eyewitnesses and servants of the word.''
I always hear about which ''Movie Star'' is having a ''Bad Day'',..their
''Mission'' per say is to make movies
to ''Entertain'' us,.their ''Recognition'' is to get Their Name put on a
''wee statue'' to put on the shelf...
When one of them goes to jail or passes away,.the Country mourns
,..''Headlines'' are made,..the ''Pappy Razi''
as I call it goes ''banana's''..can't get enough!
Our Soldiers ''Mission'' is to ''Die'' to keep Us Free!,..Their
Recognition.....''Hmmmm''..Oh Yea,..
they get their Name on a ''Grave Marker'',..known only to God and Us whom
Love them!
Maybe a ''blip'' in the local paper...News on Monday..Forgotten by
Does anyone remember the Name of the Soldier who ''Sacrificed'' their Life
last year?
No?...But We ''Remember'' the Name of the Star who had a 'Wardrobe
Malfunction' at the Super Bowl!
I'm just kicking around a ''little dust'' here,..kinda a ''Wake-Up
America!''...Our ''Mission ''here is to at least
''Try'' to Walk a ''Good Walk of Faith'' the path in Life,....Love Each
other,..Love Our Father who Created Us..
Our ''Recognition''...That We..the ''People'' know that 'All We have,.all
we need,.will be given to us by
Him who did in fact create us..Our Heavenly Father.
Each Day,..Start out Your ''Mission'' without ''Recognition''...You''ll be
'Recognized' at the end by the ''ONE''
Who has Your name in the ''Book of Deed's''...
If Your name is ''Not'' in it,..
What did Jesus say?..''You knew Me not,..therefore I know you not to the
Something to think about no???...kinda puts me to my knees in
''Prayer''...God!.. Recognize me?
I Want to say ''Thank you'' for All You have given me,..I am Your 'humble'
I better ''Shut my trap'' I know some out there are throwing their Empty
''Cop O' Joe'' at me!...
Remember this..''We Walk in Faith,..Not by Sight.''...As We know that we
breath ''air'',.it's there but we
cannot see it,..It is the same with ''God''...We can't see Him,..but He's
there!...as the wind brush's
your cheek,..it is His 'kiss' we feel,..I recognize it...
I'll leave 'quietly' with these Proverbs!
''True Christian love helps those who can't return the favor.''
''It is the ''inconsistent''' Christian who helps the devil the most!''
''The Angels of God protect the people of God as they do the work of
Just Remember that ''Our Mission'' is Heaven,...We'll Recognize that when
We All meet there!
Sherrie and I hold All of You,..Our ''Warriors'' and Our Nation in
Recognize God right now,..Give Him a ''Shout-Out''..takes only a second
and He'll 'Bless' you for it!
''God,..I Pray that You Hold All of us,..Your Humble Children in Our Walk
of Faith,.as We stumble and fall,
that Your Loving Hand's pick us up,..guide us and give us Comfort
Always,..for this Father we give
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie..