''When we go hunting, it is not our arrow that kills the moose, however
powerful be the bow,...it is nature that kills him.''
''Big Thunder''...Wabanaki Algonquin...
Top O' The Morning to ''Everyone!''
Let's not ''dally'' now,..Go Grab that ''Cup O' Joe''...put a little
'kick' in it if ya' may!
Time to pull up a ''Warm Fuzzy'' ..Hunker down and listen to this little
''Diddy'' this Sunday Morn!'...
I was talking to a ''Group'' of ''Youngin's'' at a ''Bible Book
Learning'',..I was asked a ''Curious Question''...
Pastor Frank,...''How Did HE Die?''...''He Who, I asked'',...Why
JESUS..Who Else! was the Reply!...''Don't YOU Know
Whom I'm Talking About?''..the child asked,..''WE All Know Who it is!''...
My Goodness!..Only in the ''Eye's of a Child!''...They figure that if They
Know about Jesus,..'We Have to Know Too!'
Unfortunately though,..Not Every-One is a ''Believer''...No matter how
much is ''Preached'',...no matter how many time's
They are in fact Told and Shown thru Scripture in the ''Book of Life'' the
Bible,..People can't Accept the ''Word'' as it is
Written.,...Very Sad indeed!,..But Children,..The Believe,..It gives them
''Hope''..it gives them ''Hero's'' to grow up with
in Their ''Little Step's in their Walk of Faith.''...
Well,..Got a little ''Side-Tracked'' there,..BUT!..I said to them,...''We
All Know How Jesus Died,..Let's Talk About How
He Lived!''...Every one settled down as I started out with the ''Story''
of Mary,..the Three Wise-Men and an ''Empty Stable''
No,..I ain't for sure going to tell All of You that,..I'd have a shoe
tossed at me,..kinda like O'l President Bush had done to him!..
JESUS,..a Subject up for Discussion by Scholar's,...Believer's and
Dis-Believer's..A Good ''Chew'',..plenty of meat and bisquits
to go around for all!...
A ''Couple'' of Fact's...Once and for all,..Im'a gonna put to ''Sleep''
some of the 'Movie' myths!...
Jesus was a ''Carpenter'' got it!?...He didn't have no 'power tool's'' ..
so He used 'Manuel labor''..everything was done by
''Hand!''...He most likely was a ''Rugged'' Well Built Man,..not exactly
an''Arnold'' but Fit n' Trim..Muscular!...and NO!
He didn't run around with ''Flowing Robes'' and being very 'Saline' as the
movies put Him!..
Blond Hair,..Blue Eyes with such ''Eye Catching'' features?...Wrong
''Isaiah''-52:2b...''He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to
Him,..nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.''
Jesus was a Jew,..so He most likely had dark skin,...dark eyes, and dark
hair,..being built lean and muscular from His Trade
as a Carpenter..
Take note of this,..When the Roman Soldiers came to arrest Him,..He had to
ask them ''Twice''...I am JESUS,.the One you seek''
as even they couldn't recognize or pick Him out from the others!..
How did He Live you ask!,..We know from exerts from the Bible,..He was an
''ordinary'' kid,..in fact,..considered by some as
a little ''mischievous'' as any child would be..He grew up working with
His ''Earth Father'' Joseph doing Carpentry work,..and
it is said He even did some traveling at times learning the ''Trade'' and
Fishing'' business,.At Thirty Years Old,..He went into
His Ministry,.Gathering His Follower's..the ''Apostles''...
He did this Ministry as it Was in Fact Predicted by the Prophets until it
was His Time or His Destiny to ''Fulfill'' Scripture and
become the ''Lamb''...the ''Living Sacrifice'' as it was so Written!...
Now,..Let's Finally Clear up this ''Mickey Mouse'' 'Shroud of Turin'' bit
of Deception as some Folk's of Divine Knowledge
would have You Believe!...An ''Image of Christ''..right down to His
nose!?..According to the Bible,..and WE do Believe the
Bible Right?...Jesus was ''Beaten'' so Badly,..having a sack put on His
Face and then ''Sucker-Punched'' by at least 'Ten
Combat Hardened Soldier's as they Mocked and asked Him,.''Did You See Who
Punched You!..Then He was Whipped with
a ''Cat O' Nine Tails'' whip,.with glass in it,..Shredding His Skin and
Muscle to the Bone,..Leaving ''Chunks'' of Flesh on
the Ground!...Recognize Him?...
Isaiah-52:14...''His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man
and His form marred beyond human likeness.''
He was described the inhuman cruelty He Suffered,..in fact to a point that
He No Longer Looked Human, and those who bore
''Witness'' were shocked at what they saw!
Alright now,..His Mission as We know it,..as it is Written in Scripture!..
Matthew-20:28..''Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to
serve, and give His Life as a ransom for many.''
Luke-19:10...''For the Son of Man came to seek and Save the Lost.''
John-12:47...''If anyone hears My Words and does not keep them,..I do not
judge him, for I did not come to Judge the world
but to save the world.''
Matthew-5;17...''Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the
Prophets,..I have not come to abolish them but to
fulfill them.''
And the ''Proverb'' for today as it is Written...
Matthew-1:22-23...''All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said
through the Prophet : ''The virgin will be with child and
will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel - which means
'God with us.''...
Now,..each of You has it in You to Make a ''choice''...Jesus,..Son of God
is 'Real'..was here as the Prophets had said it would
be,.Fulfilling Scripture..Living as God in Flesh,..here to Learn the ways
of man which He Created,..Working among us as a
regular guy...Believing Scripture that He in fact knew that He was here
for the purpose of a Personal Sacrifice,.Dying in the
flesh to take away our sins..
Or You can Be a ''Non-Believer'' and live day by day,..No ''Reward at the
End of Your Life Here'' except what you store up here
during your stay here,...Like they say,..''You Can't Take it With You!''..
Do You want to be like a child who knows nothing,....''Children Make
Excuses''...or Will You be like the Christian Adult You
should be like...''Adults Make Changes!''...
Hey,..Your Choice!...''Live in Eternity''..or just Live for Today!...
I'll Close now,..My ''Cup O' Joe'' is bout' gone!...I'll leave You with
these Proverbs to 'ponder'...
''The only way to make things right is to Admit You've been wrong.''...
''Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.''
''Christ believed in Salvation received and Heaven assured.''
Knowing that Each Religion teaches different things about God and even
Jesus,..keep in mind that the ''True Religion''
is in Scripture,..and that being a 'Christian' is NOT a Religion,..it is a
''Way of Life''...being ''Follower's of Christ.''
Sherrie n I hold All of You,..Our ''Warrior's'' and Our Great Nation in
May God hold close to His Heart all that have fallen and still in Faith,
and Hold His Hand of Comfort over those in Harm's Way..
Take just a second to ''Thank God'' for His Blessings and Remember this..
''GOD so Loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son,.and Today Our
Great Nation gives up her son's and daughters
in Freedom's name,..JESUS died for our sin's,..our warrior's die to keep
us Free.''
May We Always be able to say...''May GOD Bless America,..for it IS in GOD
We Trust!''
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie..
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