voice of the ''Great Spirit'' is heard in the twittering of the birds, the
rippling of the mighty waters, the blowing winds, and the sweet breathing
of flowers. If this is Paganism, then at present, at least I am a Pagan.''
''Zitka-Sa''..Dakota Sioux

I ask You this Question,...''How did the First Americans.. the ''Native
American'' ( Indian ) know about the ''Great Father,''
GOD,.. as these ''Native Americans'' were here even before the time of
Jesus!... They have always Believed in the
''Great Spirit Father'' even before Jesus was Born,.. Accepting the 'Word'
from their Ancestors from Past Generation to
Generation.''.. There was 'NO' Written Word except Stories told by the
Campfire, Their Bible is ''Nature'' and the Living
Word passed down.''
Well,..''Top O' The Morning to Everyone!''...
Lets sit by Our own campfire this Morning with a good O'l ''Cup O'
Joe!''...Wrap that blanket around yourself and
prepare for a ''warm'' service this Morning,..as I was asked about the
''Bible''...is it ''Fact or Fiction!''...
The ''BIBLE''....Some call it the ''Instruction Book of Life''...the
Road-Map to Life...The ''Book of Puzzles'' and even a
''Book of Good Stories'' filled with make believe hero's!..Stories to tell
Children at bedtime, or a Book to ''Scare Kids
Straight!''....I'll let You Decide!...ME,..I call it the ''Instruction
Book of Life.''...
Yea,..I talked about it many,..Many Times I know!...I compared it to a
''Car Manuel'' book...Think about that concept though,..
Car starts to run a little rough,the ''Warning Light'' goes on,..What do
You do?..Yup!..read the 'Car Manuel'...look at the
''Trouble Signs''...Lets You know what to look for,..what to avoid and
''How to Repair!''...Although, things are so ''Technical''
now, We have to take it to a ''Specialist!'' to get it running right!..
The ''BIBLE''...Same ''Concept,''...Lets Us know whats wrong with
Us,..Gives Us ''Instructions'' on what to look for,..Where to
go for Help, and ''How to Repair'' and keep Us on the Road!..
Yes..YES!..I hear YOU!,..O.K.Pastor Frank..''Mr. Know it All!..Who Wrote
it, and How do You know it's True!''...
Never said I ''know it all,'' only said ''I Believe it All'', Because GOD
said it was so through the ''Prophets and Scripture!''...
The ''Foundation'' of the Bible, as it is written, has been Documented and
passed down by men Century after Century,..
Documentation and stories told by ''Prophets of God''...The ''Old
Testament'' having to do with the ''Law's of God''...Stories
of Trials and Tribulations of God's people in their Tumulus Walk of
Faith,The Great Flood with 'Noah and the Ark,'and then
The Creation and the Prediction of the ''Coming'' of the Saviour..JESUS.''
With the ''New Testament,''..We See and Read through Scripture the ''Birth
of Our Savior Jesus,''..His Life and Ministry here
on earth,..The Miracles done in God's Name,..and His Sacrifice..''Death''
to Atone for Our Sin's...Our Failures here on earth.
We also see the Signs and ''Warnings'' of what is to Come or Happen to Us
at the ''End Times'',.and How to Save Our self.
But!..Who wrote it You keep asking!..Again...Prophets,..Witnesses AND The
Apostles who Walked with Jesus wrote it.
Your right,..There are other ''Stories'' out there.. Book of Judas''..Book
of Mary etc..But, ''Now get this,''...Written Long After
their Death,.not by them!...Judas,..Dead before Jesus,..when did he write
What does the ''BIBLE'' say!?...I just 'Love' the Truth as ''It is
Galations-1:6-9...''I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the
one who called you by the grace of Christ and are
turning to a different gospel-which is really no gospel at all. Evidently
some people are throwing you into confusion
and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel
from heaven should preach a gospel other than the
one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already
said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching
to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally
There is only ''ONE GOSPEL''..The True ''Word of GOD'' as it is
Written!...Seems that Many ..I repeat M A N Y Religions that
were 'created' after ''Christ,'' Re-Do the BIBLE to 'Fit or Suit' their
needs...their religion!...Throw the book in the fire, it will have
plenty of company,..Those who will have an eternity of time to read
it!...Bring the ''marshmallows''...
Look at what some Religions say in Their Own Man Made Bibles,..Jesus is
our ''Big Brother'' and the Spirit Brother of Satan,
saying that God made them,..''Wrong!''...Jesus is ''GOD''..and came here
to experience in the flesh life! Satan was a Fallen angel.
Then,..some say thatan angel gave them a book,..only to be deciphered
with''Magical Glasses!''...Sounds like 1960 to me!..and
then some go on to say that since we were created in God's image,..that we
too are god men! ''arrgh!'' But still folks fall for all
that 'lore!'... poop!
What does the ''BIBLE'' say!...Another ''Good Scripture!''...GOD said
it,..I Believe it!..
Revelations-22:18-19...''I warn everyone who hears the word of the
prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God
will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes
words away from this book of prophecy,
God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the Holy
city, which are described in this book.''
Now..What did Jesus say!..
Luke-24:44...''He said to them, ''This is what I told you while I was
still with you; Everything must be fulfilled that is written about
Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.'''
''Mmmmmm''..Don't want to ''Touch that!''..Jesus said it,..''I Believe
For further info..look at Hebrews-1:1-3....
I could go on and on with Scripture..spend hours and even day's Preaching
the ''BOOK''...I just touched a little bit of it,..
Scratched the surface if you will!.. The ''BIBLE?''...Read it Cherish
it,..Hold it Close to Your Heart,..it is the ''Instruction Book'' of
Life...its all you need in Your 'Walk of Faith.'...JESUS said it
best,..The ''How to get to heaven part of it...
John-14:16...''I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through Me.''
Keeping in mind this..''Gospel's'' are Storie's by Witness,..the Bible is
the Encyclopedia of ''Collected Gospels''
Time to get a ''re-fill'' on My ''Cup O' Joe''...I'll close with these
''Parables'' till next week..
''The devil is content to let Us profess Christianity, as long as We
do-not practice it!''
''To avoid drifting away from God, stay anchored to the Rock ( Jesus ) and
the Bible.''
''Let God's Word fill your memory, rule your heart and guide your steps.''
May GOD Bless All of You as Sherrie and I Pray that You be ''Comforted and
Protected'' in Your Walk of Faith,...
May the ''Good Shepard'' watch over His ''Warrior's in Harm's way'' and
Our Great Nation America..there's still Hope..
May We ..as One Always be able to say..''May GOD Bless America,..for it is
''In GOD We Trust''..AMEN!
Pastor Frank and Sherrie... |