'''The earth and myself are of one mind. The measure of land and
the measure of our bodies are the same.'' Chief Joseph...''Nez
Perce' Chief''
Well!...Top O'
The Morn. to All of You!...
Did ya eat Yor' ''Lucky Charm's'' on O'l St. Paddy's Day
Yesterday?..Seems that it is 'Summer' in some part's of the
U.S.A.,..and Still Winter in others!..Out here in Californy,..Were
using raft's to get to the store!..''Ankle Deep'' as we say!...
Enough of the ''Weather'' report!...Let's see whether Your ''Up''
and at-em' this morning!...You know the routine right!..GO! ''Cup
O' Joe''...Slip into Your Comfy ''Hot Seat''...Were talking about
the ''Shadow Knows'' this morning!
''Hmmmmm''..Wasn't that an O'l 'T.V.' series back in the
'Yesteryear!?'...Not this channel folk's!...This one is tuned into
Have you ever felt that ''Some-on'' is following you, you turn
around and no-one is there,...But!,when you look down, there it
is,..Your ''Shadow!''...as you speed off, picking up your step to
get away, you give a sideways glance and lo and behold,
your shadow is trailing you step by step!...Kinda 'Eerie' huh!...
But, at night,..Your Shadow is no where to be found,..unless you
walk into a light!...Are You getting the ''Drift'' of this message
1 Corinthians-13:12...''Now we see but a poor reflection as in a
mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I
shall know fully, even as I am fully known.''
GOD!...He is as our own ''Shadow'',..all seeing and all
knowing!...Even in the darkness, or our ''Darkest'' hour, Never
leaves our side!
And needless to say on the other-hand,..Our shadow,..like our
spirit, hovers over us,..It too sees what we see,..what we do,and
for some who think not,..in the ''Darkness'' of SIN,..it See's
Now O'l Satan,..the perpetrator of Lie's and evil,..keeps the
''Shadow of Sin'' at the ''ready''..waiting for us at our weakest
time,or as I say ..''Our Darkest Hour''...When We Sin,..our
''Bright Spirit'' fades away into the Shadow,..weathering the
storm,..waiting again for the Light to Shine,..God's Light..it
only takes a ''Call'' from You Through our 'Savior' Jesus Christ
to flip on the Light..again!
It takes just a ''Word'' from Us,..to Hear HIS Call,..to Listen
and to Live in HIS Word and Be in HIS Light.
O.K....Pastor Frank!..What does the Bible say?...Hang on to your
'boot-straps'..here the 'Walk' with the 'Talk!'
1 John-5:14-15...''This is the confidence we have in approaching
God, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, We know that we
have what we ask of Him.''
Remember this also,..What no-one sees,..no one knows!...so we
think!..Why do ''Crime's'' happen mostly at night?...People put
into the ''Shadow of Sin''..think they are covered by the 'Darkness'..when
in fact they are the ''Darkness''...made pawns by O'l Satan
Food for thought...The ''Word of GOD'' is sufficient,..take a bite
of it,..Renew your Strength,..Digest and live on it.. Here... what
does the Bible again say?..
Hebrews-5:13-14...''Anyone who lives on milk, being still an
infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.
But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained
themselves to distinguish good from evil.''
Psalm-139:7-8...''Where can I go from Your Spirit?..Where can I
flee from Your presence?...If I go up to the heavens, You are
there. if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.''
Bottom line,..You cannot hide,..you cannot escape fro anything and
everything you do! Best ''Solution''..Walk in the light, HIS
Light..you'll be safe from the ''Dark-side!''....
Remember,..''The Shadow Knows!''
I'm due for a re-fill,..it's pouring outside,..I'll put a log in
the ''fireplace too!''...Oop's!..ain't got one!...''Hmmm'' a
Here's a couple O' Proverbs to ''munch'' on!
''It's good to learn our weakness if it drives us to lean on God's
''YOU!..are one of a kind, designed to glorify God as only you
''Because God cares about us,..we can leave our cares with HIM!''
Sherrie and I Wish All of You well,..and hold You in Prayer along
with Our ''Warrior's'' in Harm's way, and Our Great Nation.
May We always be able to say..''May God Bless America''..for it is
in ''GOD We Trust''..Amen!
''Preacher'' and Sherrie... |