For My Friend ''Lonnie'' Who Went to be with the
Lord |
Monday 3/14/2011 |
Morning Again! ..
Did you 'Survive' the Time Change?...How about that
out in
Japan,..It hit the West Coast here,..Shook up all the ''Boaters''..sunk
quite a few
along the Coast,..Surfers Loved it though!...
I'm nursing my
''Cup O' Joe'' as we speak,.been up reading some of the
for 'Sunday' messages,..Had a ''Box Full'' asking Questions about
is He Really!...
Standing in ''HIS'' Shadow this Morning as I try to give it My Best,...
''Grab that Cup O' Joe'',..Plant Your Feet in the Ground,..Sitting
Would be
Better,.If ''HE'' doesn't Like What I say,..It'll be Me ''HE'' Lights
Up!..Not You
Gosh,..Let me
Start off with the ''Right Scripture'',..Play it ''By The Book''..
Book,..The 'Bible!''..or lets call it ''Playing it Safe!''
- 46:9-10...''Remember the former things of long ago, I am God,..and
there is NO
other, I am God, and there is none like Me, I make known the
End to the
Beginning. From ancient times, what is still to come. I say
My Purpose
will stand, and I will do what I wish.''
Isaiah..40:18...22-26..''With whom will you compare Me?..Who is My
Look up to the
Heavens!..Who Created all these stars? As a shepherd leads
his sheep,
calling each by its name, and counts them to see that none are
lost or
strayed, so God does with the stars and planets.''
can we describe God?..With what can we compare Him?
It is God who
sits in the Heavens above the circle of the Earth.,..People
must seem like
''ant's'' to Him!..
He Dooms the
''Great Leaders'' of the World who 'Do Not' listen to Him,..
They barley
Rule when He waves His Hand over them, and they fall away
like ''Dry
Time to God
''Stands Still'',..A Thousand Years to Him is as only as a Second!
He ''IS'' the
''Alpha and Omega'',..We are His Children,..He has Created us
after His Own
Yes,..He is a
Jealous God,..Galatians - 5:19-20..''The acts of the sinful nature
are obvious ;
sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery, idolatry and
hatred, discord, jealousy and fits of rage,...selfish ambitions,
factions and envy,..drunkenness, orgies and the like!''
Seems that
pretty much covers all that ''Bad Stuff''..
When we look
in the ''Mirror'',.We see the 'Reflection' of God's Creation,..
We see 'Our
God's Temple
is built in Our Heart,.. Our Soul is Our Life and is Reflected in
Our Actions
and Deeds..
It is only
thru ''Faith'' that we can really ''Understand'' even a little about the
'One' they
call God,..He has always Been,..He even has said'...'I Am the I Am''
much covers the ''Baseline'' of a few things about God,.I could
'Forever' on that subject and still not cover it all,..God is God,.He
''Rock'''..He ain't a Piece of a carved wood you burn ''Incense'' to,.
All these
''Religions'' try to Create God,..He ain't having it,..He's got a real
''Warm and
Cozy'' Place for those Who Do Not Believe in Him,.They will
''Eternity'' to Praise Sticks and Rocks and all that ''Bunk!''
Do You Want to
See God?...Look not only at the Heavens with their Beautiful
stars and
clouds,..Look down around you,..Flowers,..Trees,..Oceans,..birds,
all the Beauty
in the Mountains,...Look at the ''Beauty of You!''
OK,..I'll stop
''Lamenting'' and shut my Trap!,..I need to ''re-fill'' my Cup O'Joe
I'll leave you
with this ''Parable'' as you sip your ''cup''...
''God's Love
cannot be explained,.it can only be experienced''
''An idol is
Anything that takes the Place of God''
May ''GOD
BLESS'' You,.as He has Blessed Us!,..Till next week,..Sherrie and
I hold All of
You in deep Prayer,.. as we also Pray for Our Warriors in
''Harms Way''
May we always
be able to say,..''May God Bless America''..after all it is
''In God We
''Our Father
Who Art in Heaven''
''May Your
Will be Done, on Earth as it
is in Heaven''
.Till next
week,..Pastor Frank the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie
