Genisis...1:25-27... |
''Goooood Morning!''
Awake Yet ...Well,..Go on now,..put your
little ''Fuzzies'' on and go grab that ''Cup O' Joe!''...Hurry up and jump into that favorite ''cushion'' of yours,..
Oh yea,..Ya might wanna' grab a 'Banana',. on account of we have a ''Monkey'' of a Story this morning!....
That's right!,..This morning we be doing a little story on ''Monkey-Shines''
to say the least...or ''Darwin's Theory of Evolution''...
So,...peel back that banana,..grab ''Cheetah'' and we'll ''Swing Along'' by the 'seat of our pants' with this one! 
You see,..I was at a grade school a couple of weeks ago,..it was the
''Pepsi Generation'',..You know..Fifth and Sixth Graders...
They had a 'Chart' on the wall in their Science Class,..The one with the
Monkeys walking,..then the Apes,..Then ''Cave-Men''..then US!..
Ya,..that's still around!...What a ''Hoot!'' 
Anyway,.. these little ''mosquito's''...''Oop's,..the ''Pepsi Generation'',..were
believing that 'crap' about the Possibility of us 'Evolving' from those ''Furry-Friends'' of ours..The Monkey!
''What does the ''Bible'' have to say about it ''Pastor Frank'' the little ones asked me,..I thought God ''Created Adam and Eve!''...Did they have ''Baby Monkey's"
I was asked all kinds of ''Questions'',..including did,..Now Get This,...''Did Tarzan and Jane have a 'Baby' Monkey and Name him Cheetah!''
I was ''Choking Back'' the Laugh,.. My Eyes were ''watering'' trying not to ''Howl'' with that one!...
Yes,..Kids say the ''Darnedest Things!''
So,..''What in Fact Does the Bible say?''....
Genisis...1:25-27...''God made the ''Wild Animals'' according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the Creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds.And God saw that it was good. Then God said...''Let us make MAN in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over
the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth,
and over all the creatures that move along the ground'' So God created MAN
in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He
Can't Describe it any ''Better'' than that!,..And that's 'Directly' from the ''Bible!''
''Missing Link!'',..Must be a ''Cuff Link'' or a Link from a ''Chain!''...
According to ''Darwin's Theory of Evolution'',.. We were in fact Monkeys..
then ''Gorillas'' eventually we turned into ''Cave-Men!''
''I Got it Now!'',..If We 'Evolved' from Monkeys or Gorilla's,..Then Why
are they still Around? ..
Brings a ''Whole New Meaning'' to the term ''I'll be a Monkeys Uncle!''
Seems my O'l Uncle has that look!,..Soooo putting it all into 'Perspective',..
A Distant Relative of Ours,..Lets call him..''Uncle Monkey'',..Half of
the''Clan'' decided to ''Evolve'' into Modern Man,..The ''Other Half'' decided they liked
''Swinging'' in the trees were happy just being Monkeys...Now,
That Makes Sense to Me!...Mystery Solved! Still though....
Still though..Scientists,..The ''Good O'l Boyz'' Club that invented the ''Paper-Clip''..
They say that ''Alley-Gators'' are a 'Gazillion Years Old!''..
According to what I read in the ''Bible'' though,..There was a ''Great Flood''
that ended ''All Life'' as we knew it,...Ask O'l Captain Noah!,..And yes
he had a ''pair'' of 'Alley-Gators',.. kept them way over in the corner!
Now these ''Wizards of Science'' would also have you believe that ''Fish''
got tired of being in the 'water' and wanted to hunt on land,.sooooo they
grew ''legs'' and became ''Lizards!''...Heck!,.I ''Want to Fly!''...Hmmm
do I See Feathers in My Future!..
I Think I'll stick with the ''Bible'' makes sense to me,..Them 'Scientific'
what-nots well, I'll send'm a case of 'banana's and let it be!
Well,..got to 'refil my Cup O'Joe',..maybe I'll have me a banana shake
to boot!..
I'll leave you with these Parables..
''When we know that God's hand is in everything, we can leave everything
in God's hand''
''One measure of our likeness to Christ is our sensitivity to others''
Till next week,..Sherrie and I hold All of You in Prayer,..
May God Bless All of You,.. May He Guide and Comfort You in Your Walk
of Faith..
May the Blessed Father hold 'Close to His Heart' those Victims in Japan,
it is the Christian thing to do so Please Pray for them..
And May We always be able to say..''May God Bless America''..and All
Our Warriors in Harms Way,.for it is in ''God We Trust''
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie ..and ''Cheetah!'' 

