Corinthians-15:51-52 |

This is
Dedicated to a ''Great Lady'' Who Left to Be with the Lord..
''Mary-Jo'',..A Devoted Wife and Mother'' of 71 Years and a ''Pearl Harbor
Survivor''...She Will be Missed,..But Not Forgotten...
Good-Day to
Today,.. a ''Solemn Message'' of sorts as We Say
to Several of
Our Family,..Friends and Many who have ''Passed Over''
to Join the
Father in His Kingdom...
Well,..First,..let's go Grab that ''Cup O' Joe'',..or Your Favorite
Libation of the
Day,..and Plant Your ''Backside'' in a ''Comfy'' chair..Gonna sit a
This past
Month,..I was made Aware of 'Six' of Our Family ,.Friends,..and Military
''Warriors'' who were called up to be with Our Heavenly Father...
For Many of
Us,..this is truly a Time of Sadness and Mourning,..But in
Our Father's
Kingdom,..it is a Time of Joy,..as He Welcome's Home His Children!
We Should
'Celebrate' their Life rather than ''Grieve'' their passing...For many,
It was a 'Full
Life',..For some it was a Path taken in Times of War,.Hardships and Small Battles
in Life..
We ask Many
Questions that We Do-Not and Cannot Understand.. The ''Why's''
and of Life's
Only ''God''
know's,.. as it is in 'Scriptures' that ''God's ways are Not Our Ways''
And that only
God knows the Day of our beginning,..and the Day of our Departure...
How and What
we do in between is called ''Our Destiny''...and made by our
Decisions we
make in Life,..or the Path we take in our ''Walk of Faith''...
''Italian'' Grandmother,...She was a ''Wise One'',..Back in the Day
when the
American Family basically ''Grew'' what they ate,..Well O'l Grandma, upon My
''Beloved Irish Mum's'' Passing,..She being the ''Old Age'' of 28yrs., and me being
10yrs.,..Tried in her ''Gardening Wisdom'' to explain how the Life and Death
cycle worked...
Now,.. to a
10yr. old boy,.. I lost my World,..my best friend,..my 'Protector' my
''Mother'',..Dad,..well, He was the ''Bread Winner'' and
back on ''Track'',..Grandma said,..Look at these ''Caterpillar's''
For days We
would go out in the Garden and watch them eat everything,..real
Slow!...No Hurry at all...
soon,..they started to ''spin'' a little cocoon and just sit
''Bam!'',..They came out of their little shell,..Stretched their
''Beautiful Wings'' and were
She said
this,..That's how ''God'' shows us How we ''Transform'' from ''One
Life'' here to a
Completely ''New Life'' after We Complete the 'Old to New''...
O.K.Grandma,..I got it,..Were Bugs!...''Hmmmm'' never heard that one She Chuckled!..
Now,..as I am
''Older'',.. I realize Her Wisdom,..We Live here,.. doing what We do every Day
of 'Our Life'',..When Our Time is up,.We ''Shed'' our ''Old Worn Out'' Bodies
and ''Transform'' Our self with New Ones!..With ''Wings to Boot!''
know,..Sounds like a ''Kid's Story'',..But!!...Did Not God say that in
We Are His
Some of You
Might take this ''Offensively'',..But We Must Go to the Father as
His Children..
''Proof'' is
in the ''Scripture'' as Far as the Transition,....
1 Corinthians
-15:51-52...''Listen, I tell you a mystery : We will not all sleep,
but we will
All be changed - in a Flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For
the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be
25..''I am the Resurrection and the life. Those who believe in Me
will have life, even if they die''
The Bible says
it all,..''We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight''
It was also
stated,..''In My Fathers Kingdom there are many mansions, I go now and
prepare a place for you''
Death as We
know it Does Not end here,..It is only the Beginning of an ''Eternal
Grandma,..She was ''Pretty Smart''
for sure!...
Enough said,
My ''Cup O' Joe'' is cold,..gotta re-fill!..
I leave you
with these ''Parables''...
presence with us is one of His greatest Presents to us!''
''What God
promises,..God Will provide''
Till next
week,..Hold Your Heart open to the Love of the Father,. Our Loss is Heavens
gain, and We All who Believe, will Join All of Our Loved ones in Heaven..
Sherrie and I
Pray for all of You,..
May God hold
His Hand of Comfort over the Family's who have had ''Loved Ones'' go be
with the Father...
May We Always
be able to say..''May God Bless America'',..for it is.. ''In God We
Trust''...And Bless ''Our Warriors'' in Harms Way!..''
If ever a
''Butterfly'' crosses over you,.it is a ''Message'' of Love from Above..
Pastor Frank
the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie ...''Semper-Fi''