''The idea of full dress in preparation for a battle comes not from a
belief that it will add to the fighting ability.
The preparation is for death, in case that should be the result of the
conflict. Every Indian wants to look
his best when he goes to meet the Great Spirit, so dressing up is done
whether in imminent danger is an
oncoming battle or a sickness or injury at times of peace.''
''Wooden Leg''...Cheyene
''COME ON DOWN!,..'Lets see whats behind door number one!'
''GOOOOOD MORNING!''...Lets not ''tarry'' now,..Go Grab that ''Cup O'
the drapes,..pull down the blinds and ''Lock the Door!''....Watch where
you put that ''key'' though,..You
might need it later, You can never tell when or ''What'' door the ''KEY''
will open, in Your 'Walk of Faith!'
Now!...Like that ''Game Show,''...You have to pick between Door number
One, or Door number Two,..or to
Receive what is behind the ''Secret Bonus Door!''
Or how about in the day when you received a ''Key'' to a car, or a house
in the mail But You had to go to
the 'Dealer' to see if it would open!,..and of course,..it Never did!...I
don't ever remember of hearing about
a ''Winner!''
Are You ready to ''Take'' the First Step in Your Life and Gamble that the
''KEY'' You are holding is the right
one to the ''Prize'',..Opening the Door to the ''Wonders of Life'',..the
Door of Destiny, the ''KEY'' to the
''Winner's Circle?''...
Do You really want to take that chance with Your Life,.Your Future,..Your
Destiny and 'Gamble' it away?
Without Faith,..Faith in God's Promise of Eternal Life,..Faith in
Yourself,.that's exactly what Your doing,
Doing what the ''Darksider'' wants You to do,..Open the Door to the ''Big
House''..his house, where the only
''Prize'' You Receive is the ''Booby Prize'',.and that's You!..We call it
..''Egg on Face''..
The Key to Life ''IS'' the Word of GOD through Jesus,..the Bible said
it,..I Believe it!...Let's see what it says!...
Matthew-16:19...''And I Will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven,
whatever doors you lock on earth
shall be locked in Heaven,..and whatever doors you open on earth shall be
open in Heaven''
In Life,..We have ''Many'' doors We open, and Many We Close,..Like
Chapters of the ''Book of Life.'' Some,
it seems that We want to Open at any cost,..at times GOD 'Slams them
Shut!,..We get ''Upset'' Blame God
for a ''Bad Deal''...Throw Away the ''KEY'' in disgust!
But!,..When We Pray,..or if We Pray on it,..In ''God's Time'' not
Ours,..God 'Opens' another one for us,..with
the ''KEY'' We threw away,..and We later see,..that through God's Wisdom
and Our Renewed Faith,..that Behind
that door is the Prize We Waited for or Deserved,...Could it be an
''Incentive?'' could it be a 'Reward' for Faith?
We Need Certain things here on earth to survive,..We also want what We
call a ''Comfort Zone''..Money,..Food,
Shelter,..even a ''Mate'' to share all these things with,..But We Complain
that we want it NOW!...''Hmmmm''
What does the Bible again say?...
James-4:13-16...''Now listen you who say 'Today or tomorrow we will go to
this city or to that city. spend time
there, carry on business and make money,' Why, you do not even know what
will happen
tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little
while then vanishes.
Instead you ought to say, 'If it IS the Lord's will, we will live and do
this or that.' As it is, you
boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.''
Those who ''Do-Not'' Believe in the Promises in the Word of GOD, are
Doomed, for they ''Grab'' at any ''KEY' and
open any door in an attempt to reach their 'Own' goal,.NOT the Goal that
God has for them!
The ''KEY'' is in the ''Word of GOD',..it's not a big secret,..But it
takes Faith first in GOD,..then in Yourself to get
to that door and have God help you turn the ''Key!''
Romans-1:25....''They exchanged the truth of GOD for a lie, and worshiped
and created things rather
than the Creator.''
1 Peter-5:8-9...''Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil
prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone
to devour. Resist him, standing firm in Faith.''
''KEYS to LIFE?''..Why You had them in Your hand all along!,..Which
Door?...Door number One or number Two?
Is there really a Door? The Wrong door might lead to the ''Steam
Room!''..or the 'Hot House!'.
Could it be the ''KEY'' that You need is the ''KEY'' to Your Heart after
all!,..Go ahead,.Unlock it, Let the Love Flow..
''Knock and the door will be opened,.Seek and you shall find.''...Words
again to Live by.
Tell you what!,..I'll hold the 'KEY' and Pray,..My Faith in the ''WORD''
Will Guide My Hand!...Is that a 'Light' over
the door over there?...Let ''God's'' Light direct You to the Right
Door,...Lets All step through it Together and
See that Our True Destiny is,...''Heaven!''...Now,..''Put that KEY down
and Pray'',..The Light will come on!...
Well!..Time to ''Tap-Out'' another ''Cup O' Joe!...Here are some
''Proverbs'' for You while you 'peep' into the
''To be late is to be left!''
''Each Step is a step Farther Away from the Past, and a Step Closer to Our
Future,.and Destiny!''
Proverbs-20:24...''A man's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can
anyone understand his own way?''
Sherrie and I hold All of You,..Our ''Warriors'' and Our Country in
May We Always be able to say..''May GOD Bless America'' for it is in ''GOD
We Trust!'..AMEN!..
Pastor Frank and Sherrie..
tune - were you there


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