And a Very ''Blessed
Easter'' to All...
It's ''Easter
Time''..Skip the ''Egg Hunt'' and Go ''Grab that 'Cup O Joe''
Go sit a
spell,..BUT..Watch out for them ''Easter Eggs!''
''A book is
the Proof of an Author''
''A poem is
Proof of a Poet''
''A song is
Proof of a Composer''
''Creation is
Proof of a Creator''
The Proof of God's
presence far 'outweighs' the proof of His absence,So...
as the world is
arranged,..The ''Arranger'' must exist!
Final Frontier'',..has in fact been ''Conquered'' by God thru His Son ''Jesus''..
On every radio
station,.every Church program you will hear about how our Savior Jesus was ''Crucified,..Died
and was Buried'',..and in Three Days was
''Raised from the
''Hmmmm'',..There are
still those out there who ''Doubt'' this 'Resurrection'
indeed ever
It is so written in the
'Bible' and Was Prophesied by many Prophets!.
In fact,.Jesus,
His ''Rebirth'' was witnessed by ''Thousands'' as He walked thru Israel,..AND the
Apostles were 'startled' when He came among them many times!...
believe because you have seen Me. But blessed are those who haven't seen Me and
believe anyway''
How can we doubt this
''Miracle'',..what more ''Proof' do we need?
O.K.,..What would
''Jesus'' say to us ''Doubting Thomase's?..
John -11:25..'' I am the
One who raises the Dead and gives them Life again.
Anyone who believes in
Me, even though he dies like anyone else, shall
live again.''
Can't get any
''plainer'' than that!...
''But God will save my
life and will take me from the Grave''Psalm-49:15.
Not to much more to be
said about ''Easter'',..Hard facts is hard facts,.the Bible is All the Evidence I
''We..All of Us who
Believe in Jesus and the ''Resurrection'' ..Will again..
'Rise from the
Dead'',..''Oh Death where is thy Sting,..Oh Grave where is
thy Victory?!
Like I said,..You can
watch the T.V. Churches, listen to the radio and get
many different versions
of the same story,..
But the Truth
is..Jesus,..His Life and Death and Resurrection...was..
''Predicted by
''Witnessed by the
''Verified by History''
When ''Your Time'' comes
,..Will You ''Rise to the Occaision''?
''Deny Me and I Will
Deny you to the Father'',..Your call,..Your Faith!
Hey!,..I'm Done ''Preach'n'',
''Cup O' Joe'' is cold!,..And Sherrie is ''Chasing'' the cat who is chasing
the neighbors ''Rabbit!''
Anyway,..there is this
'Giant Chocolate' Bunny on the counter,..'Hmmm' I
Wonder if it's
''Hollow'' or ''Solid!'',..Time to take a''bite of a chocolate
ear'' and see!
I leave you with these
''How foolish it is to
worship the ''creation''..when the ''Creator'' is so much ''Greater''
''Because Christ Lives,
Death is Not a Tragedy but a ''Triumph!''
Have fun with those
''eggs'' today,Take just a ''Second'',..
Wish ''Jesus'' a ''Happy
Birthday'',..It was His Second Rebirth!
Till next week,..God
''Bless All of You'',..and may We Always be able to say...
''May God Bless
America'',..and God Bless ''Our Warriors'',...