And another Goooood Morning to

Well,..last couple o'
weeks were beset with
the ''Doom and Gloom''
messages,..So!,..This Week,..I Promised a ''Peppy'' one..
Well not so peppy,..but a
Message with a little ''Spin'' of its own,..
But ''First!''..Got that ''Cup
o' Joe'' yet!,..Wake -Up Now,..Come on,...Shuffle
over,.. brew it,..pour it and
find that ''soft spot'' to sit in..Lets ''Roll!''

Now,..My ''Mama'' used to say
things like..''Sonny,..always wear clean underwear
in case you get into an
accident!...oop's!,..wrong story,..anyway who at five years old is going
to have an accident
Oh!, I got it,..

Well,.back on track here,..She
would say things like,..''If you steal even a cookie,
your going to Purgatory''
O.K.,..A cookie WAS worth a
''little time'' in Purgatory I guess,.at least I wasn't
going to Hell for it!...Only
in the mind of a ''Child!''..
So!..What is Purgatory,.and
Where is it ?..Better yet,.WHO goes there???
I looked ''High,..I looked
Low'' in the 'Bible',..Purgatory wasn't in it! .What!!!
You mean to say that All that
stuff I learned in ''School'',.(I won't say what school)
But all that stuff I was
taught was not true?....Does ''Scare Tactics'' come to mind!
O.K...Get The ''egg's ready''
to throw at me,..But,..alas''s True!..
No where in the Bible is it
mentioned, where in the Bible is there even a
point made about there being
such a ''Place!''..
I guess I grew up under the
''Fear'' of if I was ''Sorta Bad'',..You know,..Bad but
not that Bad,.I was going to
''Do Time'' in Purgatory until I cleared my record!
''Yippee!'',..Gimme them
cookies back!..But Wait!...If there ain't' no Purgatory,...
Then What!
guessed it...Heaven..... and .....Hell!,..Ain't NO in between!
Matthew -19:13-15...''Then
little children were brought to Jesus for Him to place
His hands on them and pray for
them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought
them.Jesus said..''Let the
children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the
Kingdom of Heaven belongs to
such as these''
Such a ''Beautiful
Scripture'',..meaning,.as We in ''Our Walk of Faith'' come to
God as children,..innocent in
Heart and Soul,..We come in 'True Spirit''
Purgatory,.. ''A man - made
Mystical Place'' taught in different 'Religions'
undermines the sufficiency of
Christ's atonement on the cross..
One Sacrifice He has made Perfect forever those
who are being made Holy''..
In other
words..Salvation,.made by Jesus,..the Son of God,..was made by Grace
through Faith on the
''account'' of Jesus alone!..He ''Paid in Full'' ALL DEBTS,.
Finalized when He cried out..''It is Finished'' on
The Cross...A M E N..
There is ''No Staging
Area'',.or ''Wait till Dad Comes Home'' holding area
when we die,..It's either the
''Elevator going Up
the Escalator going Down
Your Choice!...
Gosh,.Many times folks come to
about things said,..or things
Remember this..It is Good to
Questions,.and it is Good to
those who give information...
only preach what 'They want
you to
know',.and it is of their own
Ask for Scripture,..check on
the Word,
Not their Word!..No room for
the Bible does-not change,.but
men change the Word!
I've ''Preached it'' many
times,..Go to Jesus as a 'child' when you Pray,.Turn
your Heart over to Him as a
child would to his father,...
Wow!,.My ''Cup o' Joe'' is
depleted,.But!!..before I sign off,..Here's a note!
Joshua-25:15..'And if it seems
evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves
this day whom you
will serve, whether the false gods your fathers served
that were on the other side of
the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose
land you dwell.But as for me
and my house, we will serve the Lord''
Old Testament
''Stuff'',..Telling folks way back when,..Serve ''False Teachings'
become slaves to ''Money'' and
false teachings,.or believe in the ''One God,..the
True God'' of this house!...Again,.Your
Choice!..The ''Elevator goes Both ways!''

Hey!..I leave you with these
''Worry is a burden that God
never meant for us to bear''
''Follow Christ,..not the
''Jesus gave Himself to give
us Salvation''
Keep ''Our Warrior's' in your
Heart as ''Memorial Day'' approaches..
Sherrie and I keep All of You
in Prayer,..
May We Always be able to
say..''May God Bless America''
for it ''Is in God We
Blessings..Pastor Frank the
''Preacher'' and Sherrie