Well,..Another Fine Sunday with
Memorial Day here!..Sooooo,..
Go ''Grab that Cup O'
Joe'',..Swipe them O'l 'cobweb's' out of
Your eye's,..Find a ''Bunker'' n'
'Hunker Down'!

Today,..Im'a gonna tell You About
God's spin on ''War''!..It might cause
a ''Fire-Fight'',..may even start
another ''War'' inside of You,..But I'm going
to tell it to You as it is
Written,....in the ''Warrior's Book''..the Bible!
Now,..some folk's will be shocked to
hear what I have to say,..but I'm taking
it right out of the ''Old
Testament''...This is a ''Hard'' fact as God wanted
''No-Part'' of evil and
This will be a ''P.G.'' rated
Description,..Put on Your Armor now,..I'm going
in for the ''One Shot-One Truth''
..Let's ''Lock and Load!''
Now,..God gave men ''Free-Will'' to
make choices and Decisions,..We have
'Good Guys'..and We have
Back in the day..Moses and all them
other ''Tribes'' of folks,..Evil ran Ramped!
Bad guys always taking things and
killing the 'Good guys',..Eventually God
said Enough!''..
Seems allot of folks took advantage
of ''His Kindness'',. and when He ''Cut them
a Break'' they just kept
Deuteronomy..20:3-4..'''Listen you
men of Israel!.Don't be afraid as you go out to Fight today!..For the
Lord your God is going with you!..He
will Fight for you
against your Enemies, and He will
give you the Victory!''
Now,..you see God wanted the
''Good-Guys'' to be Victorious and Vanquish their
Enemies...BUT...He wanted them to
Pray for Peace and ALSO Give Thanks and
Live in Honor,..
But some didn't,..They took up the
ways of the ''Bad Guys''..Went back to '
''Honoring'' False gods and Not
being an ''Honorable Nation''
God Changed His
''Tactic's''...Today's Civilization would think it is ''Brutal'',.
Forgetting ''Our Own Nations''
Loss,..Innocent folks Killed.Tortured etc..
Deuteronomy..20:10-13...''As you
approach a city to Fight against it, First offer it
a Truce..If it accepts the Truce and
Opens its gates to you,.then all the people will
become your Servants..(
Prisoners)..BUT.. if it Refuses and Won't make Peace
with you, you Must Besiege it,..When
the Lord your God has given it to you,
Kill every male in the city!''
WHAT!,..Are you kidding!?...
Well,..So Much ''Politics and
Corruption'' was going on back then,..To Spare
in the name of Mercy was just
''Extending'' a Backlash when the 'Bad-Guys''
got strong again!
Seems I heard that
before!..Hmmm..World Wars..-911..Iran ..Iraq..Afghanistan
Lets Not forget about ''Viet-Nam!''
Who are the real ''Winners'' in
War?..Why,..if God gave the ''Orders'' to Win,
Does a Nation ''Stand Down!''
We a ''Nation'' like Ours,.so
''Blessed by God'' has His Word...
Isaiah-43:2...''When you pass
through the waters, I will be with you..When you
cross the rivers you will not
drown,..When you walk through the fire you will not
be burned, nor will the flames hurt
Still Doubt God!...
Deuteronomy-1:30..''The Lord your
God will go ahead of you and fight for
you as He did in Egypt, you saw Him
do it''
We as a Nation Must Remember His
Word of Faith and Trust..''In God We Trust''
As God so Loved the World, that He
Gave His Only Begotten Son,..
Today,.We the United States Still
give up Our Son's and now Daughters
in Freedoms Name..
As Jesus Died to Free us from Sin.
Our Soldiers Die to Keep us Free...
We are ''One Nation Under God''..if
We keep Forgetting God..
We will be ''One Nation Under!''...
Today is a Day of
Reflection,..Remembrance if You will..
It Started with ''Jesus'' and His
Today We Carry His Cross and ''Our
Veterans'' Sacrifice in His Name,.
What an Honor to give to God,..for
it is for ''God and Country..
Our Flag Say's it all....
''For God and Country do I Stand,...
Never Fallen in an Enemies Hand....
Because of 'Our Veteran's Who Fought
on a Foreign Land''
And I still 'Cry' when I see 'Her'
across the grave of a ''Fallen
Hugging them as if to give a ''Fond
Then Folded so 'Gently' and then
given to
the Family..from ''A Grateful
Enough said!...
My Coffee's Cold,..I've said
enough,.A wake-up if you will,..
Just enough to ''Stir-up'' the mind
a bit..
We as a Nation better get back on
track..Pray!,.ASK GOD for Help!
I Leave you with these
''We may walk a 'Desert'
pathway,.but the end of the journey is
the 'Garden of God''..
''Where God Guides,..God Provides''
Please take a minute to Remember at
What Cost is Freedom,..Look
into a ''Veteran's Eye's,..See the
Reflection of Yourself''..that is the
Price Paid for Freedom..
Somewhere,.A Soldier Just Gave up
Their ''Tomorrow's so that You could
Have Your Today's''
God ''Thank you too!''..He'll Bless You AND this Country!
''GOD BLESS YOU!''..God Bless
America and Our Brave Warrior's who
are Serving in ''Harms Way''...
For it is ''IN GOD WE
TRUST!''...Pastor Frank,,the 'Preacher' and Sherrie
