''Top Of the
Come on now,.The Bad Weather is over..for now,..ain't it
Well,..let's go Grab
that ''Cup O' Joe'',..iced if you prefer, and settle into
your Favorite
cushion and sit a spell!...
''Fire and
Brimstone'' Today?,..How about I just send out a few ''Tell-Tale''
Signs, and YOU make
the Decision!.
''End Times?''...A
heck of a Message to 'Wake-Up' to,..Right Preacher!?
Where did all of
this come from Your Asking!...
I Recently did
''Services'' for a group of Servicemen and Women and their
Families,..and the
''Question'' came up about the ''Sign's of Things''
Happening around
'Our Country' and Around the World,..and they
asked about the
''Relation'' to Scripture in the Bible,..So..here it goes!..
Jeremiah -
25;32...''The Lord Almighty says that disaster is Coming on
One Nation after
Another, and a Great Storm is Gathering at the Far ends
of the Earth.''
O.K.,..Sounds pretty
Bad Preacher,..kind of a ''Threat'' isn't it!?..Why?
Think about it,..The
''Old Rattle'' again...Government wants to Take ''God''
out of School's,..
Talk about
''Religion'' and its ''Not Proper'',..No Public Prayer in some places,..
Don't Pay Respect to
''God and Country'' at some ''Events'',.but Allow
'Religions' that are
according to the Bible Adverse to God's Commandments
to practice freely..
Children NOT being
''Disciplined''..as it is written in Scripture,..
''Spare the
Rod..Spoil the Child''..Spank them ''Go to Jail!''
I used to think My
Dad was a ''Barber''..
He'd ''Whoop'' ...sorry,..Discipline
Sodom and Gomorrah
like living in certain Cities and ''Entertainment'' Industries.
All in the Name of
''Amendments'' in the ''Constitution of the United States''
many amended to
Serve the Public,..not originally made by the ''Founders!''
No,..I do not get
involved in Politics,..but, when it Defiles the ''Word of God''
and Scripture,..well
by ''doggies'' I let Scripture speak out!
Lord says about these People..''They love to run away
from Me, and they
will not control themselves. So I am not pleased with
them. I will
Remember the Wrongs they have done and Punish them because
of Their Sins.''
Lets Look back a
spell,..Start with 911,..then We went into a ''String of Wars''
then Disasters,..the
Columbine Shootings,..the ''Muir Bombing'' the Katrina
''Oil Spills'',..a Series of Tornado's...That's just here,..
then in the World,..
Can't be ''GOD'' fed
up with all the ''Poop'' can it!?...What did Jesus say?..
''Deny Me and I Will
Deny YOU to the Father!''...
What,..do we need a
''Written Document?''...OOP's!,..We have ''One''
So ''Preacher,.What
Can We do besides Pray?..
15-16..''I Will have mercy on them, I will bring each Nation back
to its Own Land and
to its Own Country. If with all their Hearts they will accept
the Religion of My
People, and will swear ''As the Lord Lives''..
Can't be
''Explained'' any better than that can it!...
My ''Cup O' Joe'' is
'bout' done in,..Anyway,..The ''Fire and Brimstone'' is
about gone out,..its
hot out anyway!...
I'll leave you with
these ''Parables'' to 'Munch on!'' with your ''Joe!''
''God Remembers the
good we forget''...
''God's Love changes
prodigal sons into precious saints!''
Last But
Least!..''Stand on the ''Word of God'' and you won't fall into error''
Till next
week,.Sherrie and myself Pray for All of You,.and Especially all
of ''Our Warriors''
in Harms Way,...
While I have your
attention,..There is a ''Group of W.W.2 Warriors'',...
From All Branches of
the Military,..They ALL Claim to have ''Won the War!''
Click them on at..
FC-OC.ORG or the Freedom Committee of Orange County,.
Visit their photo's
and ''BIOS''..click on Speakers,..Their All pretty Frisky!
What a ''Hoot!...
Lets Close with
''God Bless America''..for it Truly is in ''God We Trust!''
Be Safe Now,..Give
The Father a ''little'' shout-out today!
We Love You,..''Semper-Fi''
and Blessings,..Pastor Frank n' Sherrie