Alrighty now, ''Pinch'' Yourself now, see if You still
got a
''Kick'' left in you,...Go Grab that ''Cup O' Joe'',..make it
Rub the
sleep outta your ol' eyeballs and wake up,'s ''Today!''...that's
right,..Today,..and that's what today's message is about!
Find your
favorite ''resting'' spot yet.. ....Well
come on now,..lets
over there now and hunker down...Time to get a jump on ''Today!''..
week,..We talked about the ''Rear view Mirror'' and how life goes by..
BUT!..How do
We Start!?..
is History,..Tomorrow is a Mystery,..Today is the Present''
We Start off
with ''Today'',...
Today is the
''First Day'' of the rest of Your Life,..when You wake up in the
Morning,..soon as You take that ''First Step'' ..You started Your
''Walk of
Faith'' for
that Day!
True!,..And You need to ask yourself this question,..''What did I do
to make it a
Good Day''...Did You Pray for Guidance ?...For Help and
Direction?,..or did you think,..''Well another Day!''...
Psalm-71:5...''You are my Hope, O Lord God;You are my Trust from my
Doesn't get
any better than that!..God's message is this,..Put Your Trust in the
..''Pray'' for Help and Guidance..
''Ask and you Shall
Matthew..11:29-30..'' Wear my yoke...for it fits perfectly, and let Me
teach you..
for I am
gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls...for I give
only ''Light
Ask and Ye
Shall Receive!...Sherrie and I broke down,..Again in Our Car!...
month..Transmission went out!,..This time we were told the ''Engine''
''shot!'...'Engine light'' said #1 cylinder ..No Function.. replaced
the plug,
but to no
avail..wire looked OK the mechanic said..but no ''compression''..
That was a
'Bad Way' to Start the Day..
We drive a
''Thousand'' miles a month doing the ''Lord's Work'' visiting and
services for our ''Wounded Warriors''...What to do?...Pray for a
Prayed,..''Father,..Help us Your Humble Servant's thru this
Time of
Crisis'',.we do-not have the means or funds Heavenly Father,.PLEASE
give us
Direction,..May Your Will be Done,..not ours''
Decided to
take the car to Another dealer for a ''Second Opinion''...Got a call
in an
hour,..instead of a $5,000 dollar new engine, was a $5.00 ''Spark
WAS bad after all!
The ''Power
of Prayer!''...This happened this past Wednesday!..So help me God!
''Today is
the ''First Step for the Rest of Your Life''...Pray on it Count on it!
''Yea,.as I walk thru
the valley of the ''Shadow of Death,..I will fear No Evil''...
We Walk in a
place where ''evil'' is ever present and ready to ''Turn you Away''
God, any ''Price!''...
Instead of
saying..''Oh God,..Why did you let this Happen to me,..Pray..Oh God
me thru this Crisis''...
To God goes
''All the Glory''..a Crisis is ''Only a Test''..The Correct Answer to
the test is
said,..Don't want to ''String'' you out this morning,.its to hot and
need a ''re-fill'' on my ''Cup o' Joe!''..with ice!

..''We Walk in Faith,..Not by Sight!''...God's Promise to ''Help'' if
asked is
Always open!..
I leave you
with these ''Parables'...
bridged the gap between the infinite God and the finite man''
in Christ is the right kind of Confidence''
''Today We
call the present,..and it is,..
it is a
Gift,.so Blessed by God''
Hey!,..Sherrie n' I Pray for All of You and ''Our Warriors'',..
May God
Bless You and Our Troops in ''Harms Way'' and May We Always be
able to
say...''May God Bless America''..for it is ''In God We Trust!''

''Today''...make it a ''Blessed Day''

Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie