''NOTE!''..Computer Failure Last
''VOTE'' For ''Our Wounded Warriors'' ..
Goooooood Morning!..''I Hope All is
Well this Week!...
Week,.The Computer ''Crashed'' from Yahoo's 'new' improved service! ..
So,..Here We
go!...First,.''VOTE'' for the Wounded Warriors on the link on top...It will
give them
much needed Funds and Supplies
to help in Their Recovery and Rehabilitation...Many Thanks
First up,..Go ''Grab that Cup O'
Iced Joe and ''mosey'' over to your favorite resting space,..Yup,..
I can still ''mosey''..takes a
wee bit longer though,..Oh,..turn on that ol' air conditioner too!
I recently was at a ''Summer
School'' meeting with a group of 'Young Adults' who had to
do the
Summer School to Graduate...Some
called them ''Troubled Teen's''...I
call them ''Misdirected''
much like Myself in my day's of
''Rebellion!''..Ya,..''Thats Right,..I had My ''Hard Times!'' What
of it!?......
Whoop's!...where was I before I
''Went off Line!''....
There was a Group of Girl's
sitting in a circle,...Dressed,..well,..''Dressed-Up'',..All the 'Hardware'..
Make-up etc....
In the Back there was a
Girl,..sitting by Herself,..a little''Heavy'' as She put it,..in fact,..the
called Her a ''Plain Jane'' and
said I ''Wouldn't want to talk to Her...She wasn't important and didn't
really ''Click'' with the Class!
Me,..I ''Remember the Day's of
the Click's''...
All the Girl's in the ''Click''
wanted me to sit and ''Socialize'' with each of them,..For a time I
felt like
a ''Ping-Pong''...Finally I
left, I went to the table where ''Plain Jane'' was sitting,..I asked Her
that I may sit with Her,...
''Me?..She asked''...Why
Yes...Would You mind if I talked to You I again asked...
We sat,..She told me in a
small but ''Troubled Voice'' that She felt like an ''Outcast'' because
She didn't wear make-up and was
''Heavy''.. and the other kid's always made fun of Her...
I told Her that even in ''My
Day'' that it was also an ''issue'' and in fact,..I used to pick on the''Nerd's''
in my school!
You!?..But your a ''Pastor!''
she blurted out!....No,..not always I stuttered in 'shame and
I kinda was a ''Class
Bully'',..actually I didn't like anyone,..I even got into a fight with the
Football team!...
But WHY?....Probably because I
had ''No Confidence'' in myself and ''Did-Not'' know the Lord I
As We were talking,..the ''Other
Girl's'' started to move towards our table..I Explained to ''Plain Jane''
that ''We All are Children of
God''..and that makes Us All Family...and Yes,..Families have issues too!
God,..He doesn't look at ''Our
Outer Beauty',..but looks into 'Our Eye's'..which Mirror's Our Heart which
is the ''Reflection of Our
I told Her that the ''Beauty
in Her Heart'' .Reflected in the Beauty in Her Eye's was what made Me come
over and talk to Her...
The ''Girls'' asked what I
meant,..I said.. this is how God ''See's Beauty''..I went to
Isaiah..40:6...''Man is like the
grass that dies away, and all his Beauty fades like dying flowers''
And about the ''Beauty of
Isaiah..53-2..''In God's
eyes..He was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry sterile
But in our eyes there was no
attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want Him.''
In other word's,.He,..''Jesus''
was a ''Plain Jane'' too!...
Funny thing happened,..Some of
the girl's sat down with ''Jane'' started to put make-up on her,..You
know how girls do those
It seems that folk's just don't
take time to slow down and learn about each other,..We seem to want to
pass judgement to quickly
instead of learning to Accept people for Who they are,.not what they are!
These girls found out that
''Plain Jane'' had allot in common with them in other ways...just by
I realized by then that it was
my sign to leave the ''Group''...I was the ''Out cast'' then! ...
As I was walking out,..I turned
around,..''Jane'' with tear's in Her eye's ''mouthed'' a ''Thankyou''...
''Beauty and the
Beast'',..Beauty is in the ''Eye of the Beholder'',..and in Your Heart,..The
satan is the beast,..the ''Animal''
that is in Us that makes Us Hate an Despise...
With time We Age,..Gravity takes
over,..Looks can be ''Deceiving!'' ...Remember
to Look as
God would..In Your Heart!..Like
God said,..Flowers wither,..Were in His garden right!
Hey!..Don't forget to ''VOTE''
for Our ''Wounded Warriors''...lets help them back to the ''Path''
of Life again in their ''Walk of
I leave You with these
''God has something for each of
us to do, despite our limitations.Rise up and ask what He might
want to do through you!''
''The Bible is a Mirror that
Reflects how God sees us''
''If anyone is in Christ, he is
a New creation''
Till next week,..Sherrie an I
hold All of You and Our ''Warriors'' in Prayer,.
Give God a ''Shout-Out''..He
will Bless You for it!..
May We Always be able to
say..''May God Bless America''..for it is ''In God We Trust''
Pastor Frank the ''Preacher..and