Sadly,..this Sunday is a Day of
''Our Country'' and the Family's of those who were
Tragically Killed
this Week in Combat,...''We Must Never Forget''...at 'What the Price
of Freedom Is''..
to.. ''Our Veteran's''...Freedom isn't ''Free''

Alrighty Now,..Go Grab that ''Cup O' Iced
Joe''...Slowly now...''moonwalk'' over to Your ''nesting'' spot for
''little'' spiel on a 'Big'
subject...''Big Boy Pants!''

I got an interesting 'e-mail' from My
Cousin,..His ''Grandson''...being the ''Big'' Two Year's Old,..Hit a
He ''went potty'' by Himself!
''Graduated from 'Diaper's'' to..''Big Boy
![[]==[] exercise](http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/68.gif)
His ''Reward?''...''Kicked outta the
Crib'' into a 'New Car Bed'...Has His Name on the ''License Plate''
on the
little bumper!
Now,..''Bear With Me'' here,..What does
that have to do with Us,..or Our Walk of Faith?'' or even the Bible!
Over Time,..I've been told,..or Heard
Folk's say to ''Others''....Act
like a Man,....Own Up to Your
Take Command of
the Situation,...Your Old enough to make Decision's..or...''Who
Wears the
Pants in the House!''
Even the 'Old Saying''...'Man-Up!''
We've all heard thing's like that through
the 'Year's!''..
In the Bible,..O'l
Peter n' the
Boy'z were on the
lake one night...Big Storm blows up,..All of a sudden,..they see a
''Ghost'' a
walking' on the
water,..Frightened, they ''Cry-Out''...but it's Jesus,..taking a
''shortcut'' to the shore!...
''Don't be afraid'' Jesus
says to the
Apostle's,..''It's only Me!''...
''Yea Right''
says Peter,..''If
it's You,..let me walk with You too!?'' ..Alrighty
Jesus says's,..Come on

Well,..you know the ''Story'',..O'l
Peter,..he ''Pops''
out of the Boat and ''Walks''
over to Jesus,..then realizes
where he's at,..''Panic's''..and
''Save me Lord'' he ''Holler's''..Jesus
''Touch's his
hand,..saving Peter,..then
say's to him...
''O man of little Faith...Why did you
doubt Me?''...
here,..''Faith in the Lord's Word'' in anything We Do,..That
is..''Wearing Big Boy Pant's''
and taking
that 'First
Step' in Faith..Believing in not only
Yourself,..but in the
Lord,..do We Become Men of Faith in
''Our Walk of Faith in Life''..
Like My Cousin's
''Grandson'',..Believing in Grampa and Grandma's word...Took his
''First Step'' from a ''Baby''
to becoming a
''Man-Child''...Graduating from diapers to 'Big Boys Pants! 
We,..we All are God's ''Children'' and
learn like Our Own Children as We Learned before Us!...To
have to take that ''Big Step'' and put
on the ''Big Boy Pant's
of Life!''
Philippian's-2:4...''Let each of you look out not only for
his own interests, but also for the interests of others.''
Jesus looked out for Peter,..Cousin
''Grandpa'' looked out for his Grandson..it goes on and on in
''We Walk by Faith..Not by Sight''...
We ''Don't'' have to See God to know He's there!...Look into the
''Eye's of a Child!''

Enough said!...Hey!..I'll leave You
with these ''Parables'..
''God has something for each of us to
do, despite Our Limitation's.Ask what He might want Us to
do..through You''
Psalm-27:14..''Wait on the Lord,..Be of
Good Courage and He shall strengthen Your Heart''
''Righteousness in the Heart produces
Beauty in the Character''
Time to go eat!
can smell them O'l
Egg's a cookin!...Till
next Week,..Sherrie n' I Hold All of You,..
Our Warrior's and ''Our Country'' in
We also ''Lost'' Several of Our
''Freedom Committie''..World
War Two Veteran's and ''Pearl Harbor Veteran's'
As they Went to be ''With the
Lord'',..Their Year's of Service Over here..God Love Them..
May We
Alway's be able to
say,..''May God Bless America''..for it is in ''God We Trust!''...
A ''Footnote'',..I Visited the ''3/5
Marin's who were ''Wounded'' in Afghanistan,...Injurie's
the kind I've seen in
More Severe...They are in ''High Spirit's'' and Thank All for Your
God Bless..till Next Week..Pastor Frank
the ''Preacher'' n' Sherrie