Warrior who had more than he needed would make a feast. He went around and
invited the old and needy...
The man who could thank the
food-some worthy old Medicine man or Warrior-said....''Look to the Old, they
are worthy of Old Age, they have seen their days and
themselves. With the help of the ''Great Spirit'', they have attained a ripe
Old Age. At this age the Old can predict or give Knowledge or Wisdom,
whateverit is,..it is so. At the end is a cane. You and your Family shall get
to where the cane is.''............
Black Elk...''Oglala
Sioux Holy Man''...
''Top O' The Morning to All of
Lets go grab that ''Cup O'
Joe''...Iced Please!
the 'heat off'
plop down in that ''Favorite
O'l Comfy' Chair!'' ..Today
were going to ''Discover'' that 'Age Old Secret'..The Fountain of Youth!''
Since the 'Beginning of Time'...
Men of Science and ''Great Faith'' have been trying to find the ''Secret of

''Why,..its over here in this
Country'' someone would say!,..''Nope!..its over in this One!'' another would

Look no farther,There is ''No Mystery'' to the ''Fountain of Youth,''There is
''No Magic Drink'' out there to ''Make You Young''
Bible has the Answer,But before I share it with You,I'm going to let you
in on a ''Secret'' I heard from a
96 year Old World War Two Veteran!...
Here goes!''Pastor,..Were born
bald,...no teeth,...and in diapers!...When We get old,...Before We ''Die''..We
revert back to ''Our Youth''... ...We
become ''Babies'' again..No Hair,..No Teeth,..and back to ''Diapers!''

Enough said!...I kinda think He
made a point with that one!...You go ''Figgure''
that one out!..
John-4:10...''If you only knew
what a wonderful gift God has for you, and who I am, you would ask Me for some
''Living Water''
John-6:27...''You shouldn't be so
concerned about perishable things like food. No, spend your energy seeking the
eternal life that I, the Messiah, can give you.For God the Father has sent Me
for this very purpose.''
We ''Seek'' to keep our
youth,..Plastic Surgery,..Vitamins..Exercise..Eat the ''Right Food''... Diet
like there's no Tomorrow,...
Yes,..I agree,..Our Body is our
''Temple''...But what about ''Our Mind..our Faith?''..
Looking ''Good',..Feeling
''Good'',..All that is 'Great',..But what about ''Our Spiritual
Side!?''...After all,..God did make 'Us',.and We need to keep the ''Temple''
clean and look forward for a long 'Prosperious
and Healthy' life right?
The ''Living Water'' Jesus talks
about is ''His Word'' of Life...''Faith and Understanding'' that We cannot
live without ''Being in Christ''..or better put..''In His Word.''
We are only ''As Old as We
Feel!''....Ever heard that little 'quip'?..
The ''Fountain of Youth,''I truly
believe We All can ''Find It'' thru
''Jesus,''I tell You what,It keeps Me ''running'' pretty good! ..Life is a
to Us by God, and We,.. like All Living things, need to ''Feed and keep it
Nourished'',..not only by Food and Water,..but by the ''Water of Life'' in His
Remember what Jesus also said
about ''water''..
John - 4:14...''People soon get
thirsty after drinking their water,But,the Water I give them, becomes a
perpetual spring within them, watering them Forever with "Eternal Life"
Ok,..ok..I'm done,You have a ''Big
Piece of Meat'' to 'chew' on, as
You decide on Your Own ''Diet of Faith!''
I guess I'll leave You with these
''Parables'' to also Ponder on and 'Digest'...
''Affliction for God's people can
be the pruning knife to prepare Us for greater fruitfulness''
''Christ Believed is Salvation
received and Heaven gained.''
''The True Taste of Truth,..is
Faith Tested.''
God Bless All of You, as Sherrie
and I Pray that the ''Living Waters of Faith and Truth'' quench the 'Thirst'
We All have for Lasting Love and
not only a Long Life here,..But an Eternity of Love and Life in the Lord!

Until next week,..May We Always be
able to say and believe..It is ''In God We Trust'' and ''God Bless America''
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and