'Conversation was never begun at once, nor in a hurried manner. No one was quick with a question, no
matter how important, and no one was pressed for an answer. A pause giving time for a thought was the
truly courteous way of beginning and conducting a conversation. Silence was meaningful with the Lakota,
and his granting a space of silence to the speech-maker and his own moment of silence before talking
was done in the practice of true politeness and regard for the rule that,''Thought Comes Before Speech''
''Luther Standing Bear''...Oglala Sioux Chief...
Allrighty Now!,
And a ''Good-Day'' to Everyone!...
Ahhhhh...School is in, all the ''Little Critters'' who run the house are back doing ''Time'' in Class again! 
Now!,..Go Ahead, ..Time for that ''Cup O' Joe,''..Iced .. or ''Percolating'' ...doesn't really matter now,..just
go ahead and grab that Libation' that ''feeds the need,''..and fall into Your 'Study Sofa' for a Good Look'' at
Your ''Time here on earth!''...
Momma always said..''Time Fly's when your having fun!'' ,..But as We get ''Older',.. I often Wonder about
''Where did Time Go!''..
Seems also, ..when Your Hurt, ..Sick, ..or Having Troubles, ..it just ''Draaaaag's'' on and on! Doesn't it!..No You say?
Next time Your at the Doctor's or Dentist Office see if the ''Clock Stopped Working!'' 
When I was ten years old, ..as many of you can also remember, ..A ''Movie'' at the theatre was 25 cents...
But!,..if You were Twelve, .it was 35 cents!...
Now, ..to impress everyone You ...actually 'Me', ..I would stand on My ''Toe's'' and say, ..''I'm 12'' and give a
''Big Boy'' look.. ..Worked too!...But when I went in for My ''Pop-Corn'' and coke,..I was 'short' a dime! ..
Dummy Me for ''Lying'' and wanting to ''Grow-up'' fast!..
Gosh, ..Life really does 'spin-by' faster as We get ''Older!''..So the Story about ''Time Fly's ... Holds True!
What does the ''Bible '' say about ''Time and God?''..Lets ''Explore'' a couple of the Scripture's!
Matthew-24:42...''So be prepared, for you don't know what day your Lord is coming''
25;13...''So stay awake and be prepared, for you do not know the date or moment of My return''
Jesus tells Us to ''Be Ready, ..be Prepared'' for Judgment and Our End Time,...But I wan't to ''Live'' a full
life and enjoy the ''Many Wonderful Things'' Life has to offer!
Well,..''Go Ahead!''..No one said You Can't do that, ..in ''Moderation'' in Your ''Christian Walk of Faith!''
Ecclesiastes-7 :14..''Enjoy Prosperity whenever You can, and when hard times strike, realize that God gives
one as well as the other, so that everyone will realize that nothing is certain in this life.''
8:7-8..''Go ahead, eat, drink, and be merry, for it makes no difference to God! Wear fine clothes-
with a dash of cologne! ..Live happily with the 'Spouse' you love through the fleeting days
of life!''
So You see! ..God Wants Us to Live and enjoy Our Life here,..But!..in ''Moderation'' and in a ''God-like'' way!
Take ''Time'' to Enjoy, ..Slow Down a bit ..The ''Fast Life'' is a ''Road to Destruction''...Stop!..Smell the ''Rose's''
The American Indian was ''Very Deliberate'' in Their Life, ..No Hurry,..''It will Come to You,..maybe now,..maybe
later, .but it will come!''...Even their Conversation was delib erate, taking Time to ''Taste and Understand'' each
word, as if it was a Nourishing Food,..actually it was!...
Well,..''Time DID Fly By This Morning!''...Time to ..''S L O W L Y'' refill my ''Cup O' Joe!''
I leave You with these ''Parables'' to munch on though! 
''Is God getting through to You!?''
''You need not fear Time where Your going, ..when God is going with You too''
''Time and Eternity'',..it Belong's to God but given to Us through Christ Jesus''
Till next week, ..Take a ''Moment in Time here, ..a Time-Out'' to Thank God for His Blessings, and to
Jesus for ''His Time'' here!..
May We Always be able to say, ..May God Bless America''..for it is ''In God We Trust'',..and May the Good
Lord hold His Hand of Comfort Over ''Our Warriors''
Sherrie and I Hold All of You, ..Our Nation and Our Soldiers in Prayer..God Be With All of You..
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie. 