'I was born upon the
prairie, where the wind blew free, and there was nothing to break the light of
the sun.
I was born where there were no enclosures, and
where everything drew a free breath..I know every stream
and every wood between the Rio Grand and the
Arkansas. I have hunted and lived over that country.
I lived like my fathers before me, and like them,
I lived happily.''...''Ten Bears''...Commanche
And ''Top O' The Morning to You on this ''First
Sunday of Autumn!''
No time to 'ponder' now,..Go Grab that ''Cup O'
Iced Joe''..or Your Favorite Libation,..pull up a ''Cushion''
and we'll ''Ponder'' a question that was brought
up to me!....''Who Am I,..Why Am I here, What is My Purpose!''
now,..The purpose of Your life is greater than your own personal wishes, as
You must
consider Who Made You, and for What Purpose!...And
'YES',..it was GOD who made You,..and in Scripture
it also states...
Job-12:10..''It is GOD who directs the lives of
His creatures, everyone's life is in
His power.''
''Who Am I?''...Well,..ask GOD the Creator,.or
better yet,..Consider reading the ''Book of Revelation'' of the
Works and the
Why's of God's Creation's,...It is to Serve and to ''Glorify'' Him!...
God is ''Not'' the starting point of your life
though,..He is the Source of it.,..
You were not an accident,..Your birth was no
mistake,..in fact,.it was God who planned you!...Read Scripture...
Psalm-139:16...''You saw me before I was
born,..and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe,...
Every day was recorded in Your Book.''
We have ''Question's''...like ..'illegitimate
kid's''...kid's from 'rape'......Some call it ..''God's mistakes!''...Oh No!
That is man's conception of that...GOD does Not
Make Mistakes!....
Man likes to ''Story Away'' things he does not
understand,..He makes his own ''excuse'' to make it right in
his mind!
God Made YOU for a reason, He also knew your name
before you were born,..knew your purpose, how long
you would live,..and How your life would
end!...Bible says so too!
Yup,..even in War..men die...God
knew,..Suicide,..God knew that too!...
But Pastor Frank!...Suicide?...You don't go to
Heaven though right!....
Not at all,...Each person has a ''Destiny''...a
piece of the ''Puzzle'' per say... If at the ''Moment'' of fate..a person
in their heart asks for 'Forgiveness''....
Also know this...A''Life Given,..a life taken''
affects us all,..A Suicide lets say,..How did it affect us,..In a sense,
it made not only the Family Aware of a
Problem,..but that One Persons Life ..Created a ''Ripple Effect'' in the
Pond of Life touching the ''Many''...
Sadness yes,..no Doubt,..But people learn from
tragedy,..and ''One Person'' can affect so many..in a ''Good Way''..
Remember...There is ''Only One''..Unpardonable
Sin!..it is so written...
God,..He gave us His Son Jesus..as a ''Sacrifice''
to Clean and Absolve us fro ALL Sin!...Remember that!..But,
that is ''Your Choice'' to Accept Him and His
Word,..Like He said,...''No one gets to the Father except through Me!''
How can we NOT Believe!..
There is so much more to be said,..Like the ''Rich
can't take it with them''...or Why do some have more than others,..
It goes on and on,..We,..we are the ones though
that can make changes,..Prayer to the Father for Guidance in your
''Walk of Faith''...He'll tell you what to
do....Believe in Him!...
Enough said for now,..I left a little ''Out
there'' for You to ''Ponder''....
I leave You with these ''Parables''...
''God's help is only a Prayer away''
''What we do in life ''echoes'' in Eternity''
Till next week,..Sherrie an I Pray for All of You
and Our Warrior's in Harm's Way...
What is Your Purpose and
Destiny You Ask?...Ask God....I
guess what You are doing Today, sets the
pace for Your
Destiny Tomorrow...
God Bless You and God Bless America,..for It is in
''GOD We Trust!''
Pastor Frank..the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie...

