'Often in the stillness of
the night, when all nature seems asleep about me, there comes a gentle rapping
at the door of my heart.
I open it and a voice
what of your people?..What will their future be?'...My answer is: Mortal man
has not the
power to draw aside the
veil of unborn time to tell the future of his race. That gift belongs of the
Divine alone. But it is given to him to
closely judge the future
by the present, and the past''...Simon
And Good Morning on this
''Bright Sunday Morning!''...
''Decision'' of the Day,..What kind of 'Libation' do I want this
Morning!..Well,..Me,.Im having an ''Iced'' ''Cup O Joe!''
So go ahead,.Go grab
Your Favorite 'Cup of Poison' and ''Jump'' into Your Favorite Comfy
Chair...This Morning is a Day of
''Talking'' about what
We do most...''Making Decisions!''...
Philippians-4:12-13...''I know how to live on almost nothing or with
everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every
situation, whether it be
a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want...For I can do everything God asks
me to with the help of Christ,
who gives me the
strength and power.''
Seems from the
'moment' we get up,..to the time we go to bed, We make decisions...What to
wear,..what to eat, what foot to put
the shoe on
first,...Where do I start today at work or what chore to do first!..
That's just
''Starters!''...Did you ever think about what ''Making Decisions''
involves?...It can be a ''Hectic'' process if You allow
it to be!..
''With Great Power
Comes Great Responsibility''...Each Decision You make,..Can ''Affect'' the
Outcome of Your Day,..Good or Bad!
I prefer,..in My
Daily Walk of Faith, to Leave the 'Big Decisions'' in God's Hand's,..Let
Him Handle it!...What!..Correct,..If something
comes along I can't
handle or have ''Reservations'' about,..I Pray,..Let God Guide me in His
Word in His Way,..It seems to work for me!
Frank!...Doesn't that mean that You don't want to ''Take Responsibility
for Your Actions?''...By all means No!..What ever We
do,..We assume All
Responsibility for Any and All Actions and ''Decisions'' made,..But I
believe that in God's Plan's in Our Life,..
Our ''Walk of
Faith'' per say,..He leaves the ''Door Open'' for Us to ''Seek His
for Help,..
Proverbs-3:5-6...''Trust the Lord completely, Don't ever trust
yourself. In everything you do, put God First, and He will
direct you and
crown your efforts
with success.''
Remember what I
said before, Go to God as a 'child' would go to his father for
help..God ''Blesses'' those who Humble themselves and
Realize that God
Is ''Our Father''and is in fact there to help Us!...
I have in the
''Past'' and in present times,..Stumbled because I acted Before
Praying,..Making Decisions where I should of asked for
help...Whether it
was from another,..or in a life changing decision,..asking God.
Sampson,..His strength was
his 'long hair',..his ''Decision'' to tell 'Delilah' his 'secret' was against
God's command,..and his downfall...
Moses,..his ''Decision''
to ''Tap the Rock'' and make water flow rather than 'command it' was against
what God commanded him to do,
Moses did not enter the
''Promised Land''..
Even the ''Bad
Guy's''..the Egyptians were commanded by God to ''Let My People Go''...Their
''Decision'' to disobey God caused
their ''Firstborn'' to
We are ''Responsible''
even in Prayer, When We Start ''Making Decisions!''..
''Seek and You Shall
Find''...Along that line in the Bible kind of puts it right..Seek out
help,..God First,..or a 'Friend',..if God deems
it so..You will get help
from a friend because it was the ''Will of God'' by direction that they
helped you..
Pretty tough call at
times though,..Seems that 'Everything' We do comes from a ''Decision!''...Wow,..I
don't want to think
Enough said about that
issue,..It's really
got me going ''bonkers'' now!...
Bur think about
it,..Each Action We make comes from ''Making a Decision!''...
I have ''Decided''
that I need another ''Cup O Joe!''...No,..I 'm not going to pray on that
decision though,..I'm just going to do it!
But!...I'll leave You
with these ''Parables''...You can ''Make a Decision'' of which one is best
for You!...
''God is not obligated
to give us answers, but He promises us His grace.''
''Worry is the
interest you pay on borrowed trouble''
''Much prayer,..much
power,.little prayer,..little power..No Prayer,..no power!''
May God Bless All of
You in The Decisions You make in Life...and Guide You in Your Walk of
Sherrie and I Pray for
All of You each Day,..Along with Our ''Warriors in Harms Way'' and Our
Great Nation..
May We Always be able
to say,..''May God Bless America''..for it is in ''God We Trust''...AMEN!
Pastor Frank..the
''Preacher'' and Sherrie...