''Top O' The Mornin' to Ya!''
I be a lookin' out the window,..see the Sun a crackin' thru
the clouds out here,....Hmmmm,..Heard a guy was outside Montana way
with a ''Flame-Thrower'' trying to finish off the snow!.
Whoa,'..that calls for a ''Hot Cup o' Joe'',..a donut and an easy chair...
It's ''Break-Time'' for Your Sunday Message with the ''Preacher!'' 
''Know Fear!'' ...What in ''Charley's Angel's'' is the ''Preacher'' talking
about! ... ...'Hold' on to your ''flap jacks'' and sit a spell and I'll
tell ya!
Was speaking to a School a couple of days ago,..A 'Fifth-Grade' Class,..
During My discussion about My Service and Combat Experience's,..the
''Young Americans'' .that's what they wanted to be called! asked Me this,..
Were You and Your ''Soldier Buddies'' afraid?,..Was ''GOD'' there with
You Guy's?...
Why Yes I said,..We were Afraid a ''Little'',.. and Yes GOD was watching Us!
''What Are YOU Afraid of'' I asked!... Hand's went up,..
''Spider's!'',..I'm 'afraid' of Spiders one little girl said,...''Yea'' the Class
chimed in,..''Tests'' said another,..''Bad Report Card'' another said,..
On and on it went,..till' All Thirty kids told Me their ''Fears''...
Now,..for ''US'' Big Kid's,..Do We ''Know Fear''?...Is GOD with us then, or
does He See us?...
What Do We Fear,..Some of the ''Warriors'' answered things like this..
Fear of the 'Unknown',..Fear of a loss of a 'Loved One',..whether it be from
a Death,..Divorce,.. or an Argument,..Bill's /Economy,..War's!,..Basically All had the Same 'Fears'..
I'm 'NOT' going to ''Drag'' this on and on,.. Me,..''Death'' was My ''Biggy''.
Until I found out that ''Jesus Conquered it'' for Us,..Proven when on the
Third Day He Arose and Ascended to Heaven,..Like He said He would!
And ''What Does Jesus Say''?..Besides..''Whomever Shall Believe in Him
Shall Have Eternal Life''..
Isaiah -41:10..''Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed. I am your
GOD. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My
Victorious right hand''
GOD,..He is Letting us know,...''Know Fear'',..It Will Bring you Closer to
Him,..The Father,...Then you will..Now Get this,...''NO FEAR''...Jesus will
take it away!..
Gosh,..Guess ''I Shot My Dime'' on that Subject!....''No Fear'' Sounds a
heck of allot Better than to ''Know Fear!''
Now,..For All of us ''BIG'' kids,..When your lying in bed tonite,...and your
right in ''between'' that point where your going into that ''slumber'',..Don't
worry anymore about those 'little' shadows Creeping across the ceiling,..
or that little ''tingle'' on your arm,..It Probably is SPIDERS! 
Hey!,..I'll leave you with these ''Parables''..
''Keep your eyes on the Lord, He NEVER takes His eyes off you''
''The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us''
ALSO..''We can face any Fear, when we know the Lord is near''
LISTEN UP,..I Put a ''New Video'' on Our ''Wounded Warrior Ministry''
Web-Site called ''FEAR'',..Pictures will be 'Posted' next
week,..So,.if You want any posted,..Send'm in! 
May God Bless All of You and Our Troops
Sherrie and I Hold All of You and Your Family
in Prayer,...
Say a ''little'' Prayer,..Let God Know your ''Fears''
He will Bless you for it!..
AND...''God Bless America!''.Pastor Frank n' Sherrie