I felt the
need to observe,
where so many
perished that day,
To pay my respects
for the lost,
and to bow my head
and pray.
As I stood upon the
the breeze blew
across my face,
A feeling of
peaceful bliss,
was upon this now
hallowed place.
As I think about
the horror,
and the pain they
must have met,
And all the lives
that were changed forever,
I am numb to all
things, except regret.
While my mind heard
nothing but silence,
my heart heard the
angel's harps,
Playing in harmony
with God's choir,
with voices clear
and sharp.
Then I saw a lady,
with what appeared
to be wings of flight,
Dropping petals of
of the color of
purest white.
A guardian angel
sent by God,
to tend the
survivor's hearts,
To let them know
without a doubt,
them and their
loved ones would never part.
I was frozen within
the moment,
amazed with what
I'd saw,
But I felt the
touch of warmth,
in His love for one
and all.
I could no longer
hold back the tears,
so once again I
bowed my head,
And thanked Him for
reminding me,
why His healing
blood was shed.
As I turned to walk
I was filled with a
sense of ease,
As though I'd
touched the blessed hand of God,
and retained and
inner peace.
September Eleventh
will forever,
remain a wound of
seeping pains,
But only by the
love of God,
can our fullness of
life be regained.