And a Goooooood Morning to Ya!
Still can't see my shadow yet,..Oops that's for the
sound's better!
O.K...I got it,..Stop 'slouching'
and go grab that ''Cup O' Joe''...put your
'mittens' and long johns on and
''bundle-up'' by the heater!,..We have a
Good Message this morning!
Alllllllrity Now!,..Got together
with a ''Bunch'' of School-kid's again,
if'n you have kids of your own, or
been around them,..You know that...
''That Kid's Say the Darnedest
Last week it was about
''Fear'',..Spider's n' Stuff,..Well..this 'Bunch' of
''High Energy'' Little Ones was
asking About Jesus in Heaven,..and if
He'll ''Remember Them'' when they
grow up and go to Heaven!
Wow!..only in the ''Mind of a
Well?..What ''Do You Think!?...
Come on now,..''Swaller'' that
gulp of Joe' and let's do some ''Fancy Dancing''
with that one!...
A Little ''soft shoe'',..or a
quick ''Waltz''...Better yet,.''Na'',..Better Not
''Dosey-Doh'' around that one!..
We,..''Adult's'', We get
Older,. we grow out of that ''Age of Innocence''
per say,..All of those thing's we
grew up with,..Kinda ''Put Away'' in the
'Shoe-Box' of Our Mind,..A Small
Spark of a ''Memory''..
All the ''Little Story's'' we used
to Love,..Many to do with ''Bible Story's''
Why I was ''Samson'' and
''Wrestled the Lion!'',.Actually it was my 'pet'
German Shepard,..and He didn't
take ''Kindly'' to be Wrestled to the ground
in a ''Feat of Strength'',..Well,
he 'bit' me,..I cried!
''Remember Me'',..Rings a 'Bell',.I
knew I read about it in the 'Bible',..Lets
''Brush the Dust'' off that O'l
Book-End, and Open up to the Gospel of Luke!
Luke - 23 : 42...''Jesus,..Remember
me when You come into Your Kingdom''
So Beautiful,..Especially when
Jesus Answered..''Today you Will be with
Me in Paradise. This is a solemn
That was one of ''Jesus'' last
Promises here as He hung on the 'cross' and a
'Convicted Criminal' asked Jesus
for Forgiveness as he ''professed'' that he
was in fact ''Guilty'' and
Deserved to be 'punished',..and that ''Our Lord Jesus'
was 'Innocent' and wrongly
To ask The Lord to ''Remember
Me'',..especially at that time,...
When I really ''Think About
it'',..I Tear-Up in my heart,..Jesus..''Our Savior''
He Remembers us ''Before we were
Born''...He Remembers our first ''cry'',..
Our First ''Oops'',..Our
First,..''I'm Sorry I Messed Up''..
That ''Convict'' never knew
Jesus,except in his
'Heart',..Trusting the ''Word'' of
Salvation thru
Jesus,....Thats Faith!
I'm not going to ''Preach'' to
much on that, but to
say that if that 'Convicted Man'
had that much
Faith and Trust to ask Jesus to
''Remember me''
We,..whom are 'Convicted' at birth
thru 'Adam's'
Original Sin,..Should be Less as
''Yes,..Jesus Will Remember Us
when we go to Heaven'',..I told the ''Little
Rascals'',.He will Remember 'Our
Heart' and how much we Love Him and
He Loves us' I told them..
Good!,..How About My Cat!,,..What
about ''Froggy?''...On n' on it went!...
Kid's Say the Darnedest Things!..
''Today you will be with Me in
Paradise'',..Such a Loving Promise!
John.- 5 :24..''I tell you the
Truth, whoever hears My Word and believes Him
who sent Me has Eternal Life and
Will Not be Condemned, he has crossed
over from Death to Life''
Do YOU Remember now,..Your
''Childhood'' dreams,..fantasies..hopes?
Do you remember how you ''Prayed''
with such Faith as your ''Guardian Angel'
stood ''Watch'' as you slept?
Tonite,.before you go to
''Sleep'',..Go back to those ''Yesteryear's'' when you
a ''Child'',.Pretend your
''Angel'' is standing next to you,..( Actually they still
are there! )..Pray to ''God
Jesus'' tell Him you Love Him and ''Thanks'' for the
''ice cream;; or whatever
''treat'' you got that day, a kid you ''were'',..NO!
Like the Kid You Still Are!''
Till ''Next Week'',.My ''Angel
Sherrie'' and myself Pray for All of You,...
I Ask Humbly that You ''Reflect''
on to days ''Message'',.Give God a ''Shout-Out''
Play ''Kick the Can'' again in
your mind,...Watch your back though!..
I Leave you with these
''A Christian's life is the canvas
on which others can see Jesus''
''Remember me..Jesus takes our sin
and gives us His Salvation''
''Like a compass, the Bible always
points us in the right direction''
Again..''God Bless All of You''
and may we always be able to say,..
''May God Bless America''...and
Bless ''Our Warriors'' in Harms Way..
Pastor Frank and Sherrie
''Yes Jesus,..I