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Southern Humor
Bertha Joan  passed away and Billy Bob called 911. 
The 911-operator told Billy Bob that she
would send someone out right away.
"Where do you live?" asked the operator.
Billy Bob replied, "At the end of Eucalyptus Drive."
The operator asked, "Can you spell that for me?"
After a long pause, Billy Bob said, "How 'bout
I drag her over on Oak Street and you pick her
up over yonder?"

A Kentucky State trooper pulls over a pickup
truck on the interstate and says to the driver,
"Got any ID?"
The driver says, "'Bout what?"

A Kentuckian came home and found his
house on fire.  He rushed next door, telephoned
the fire department and shouted,
"Hurry over here-muh house is on fahr!"
"OK," replied the fireman, "how do we get there?"
"Shucks, ain't you fellers still got-tem big red trucks?"

Two Kentuckians are walking toward each other,
and one is carrying a sack.
When they meet, one says, "Hey Tommy Ray,
whatcha got in th' bag?"
"Jes' some chickens."
"If'n I guesses how many they is, kin I have one?"
"Shucks, if ya guesses right, I'll give you both of 'em!"
"OK. Ummmmm...five?"

Why do folks in Kentucky go to R-rated movies
in groups of 18 or more?
Because they heard 17 and under ain't admitted.

Know why they raised the minimum drinking
age in Kentucky to 32?
They wanted to keep alcohol out of the high schools.

What do a divorce in Kentucky, a tornado in
Kansas and a hurricane in Florida have in common?
No matter what, somebody's a fixin' to lose a trailer.

How do you know when you're
staying in a Kentucky hotel?
When you call the front desk and say
"I've got a leak in my sink," and the person
at the front desk says, "Go ahead."





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