Goooooood Morning!
Hold that thought!,..I'm here in Californy,..Warm Breeze's
''Cool'' Nights,..
While Many of You
are ''Wrapped'' in Warm Blankets and 'Fuzzy' socks!

As a ''New
Yorker'',..I feel your pain!
Enough said,..Before
I get ''Whacked'' with a 'Snow Shovel',..Put another 'Log'
in the Fireplace,
throw another ''muffler'' around your neck,..Go ''Grab that
Cup o' Joe'' and
'nestle' down for a ''Warm-up'' Service this morning!
Were into the
''Second'' Month of the ''New Year'' now,..Seems that O'l
''Christmas Spirit''
kinda took a ''Back Seat'' now,.as ''Nations'' are Fighting,
and ''Brother Will
Turn on Brother'',..as it is so Written...
What is Up with
Egypt I was asked by many folks lately!..
Thousands of Folks
are ''Fleeing in Terror'',..Americans are being Evacuated,
Following them at their heels!..
I Answer with
''Scripture'',..as History Repeats itself,..Again!...
7:19...''Just Remember the ''Terrors'' the Lord your God
did to the 'Pharaoh'
and to All the Land of Egypt, Your Parents saw it with
their own eyes''
Moses was 'first' to
witness Egypt at War with itself,..and then Again, Our Own Fathers
saw the Same Again in World War 2...
When Nations Turn
way from God,..Become ''Corrupt'' and Part in the
Way of the
Lord,..Calamity Strikes!..
As it is in
Afghanistan,..Iraq,..Korea,..Wow,..We are ''Stretching'' Ourselves
pretty thin out
there,..it Also is Written..
Deuteronomy : 7:
21-22...''No do not be Afraid of those Nations, for the Lord
your God is among
you , and He is a 'Great' and Awesome God. He will cast
them out, a little
at a time , He will not do it all at once, for if He did, the Wild
Animals would
multiply too quickly and become dangerous.''
''America''..Land of
the Free,..Some call it ''God's Country!''..We were Founded
on our ''Own''
struggle for Freedom,..Freedom of Religion,.Freedom of Speech..
God ''Blessed'' this
Great Nation,..But!..How Do We In God's Eye's Today?
Read 1 Kings:6 :
11-13!..I as a Pastor and a man of ''Faith'',..Believing in ''Our Father's''
Word and Promise, Do in fact have a ''Great Fear'' We,.as a Nation
are on the ''Brink
of Destruction'',..
We as a Nation,..are
becoming ''Morally Corrupt'',..Among other things,...
I will not go into
''detail'',..Politics has ''no place'' in Religion,..so I leave it
up to you,..Look
around,..T.V.,...News Stands Movies,..Politicians and
sadly,..even in
Hey,..I ain't no
'Leave it to Beaver' or Ozzie and Harriet kid,..Never lived next
to Andy of
Mayberry,..and my neighbor wasn't the ''Beverly Hillbillies''
But those are of
''Times Past''...
The only ''Law'' I
ever had an issue with way back when was with ''Our Own-
Sheriff John'',..and
Never was sent to the ''Principles Office'' at Mr. Rodgers!
get ''Your Shorts All Bunched Up Now'',..There are still Allot
of Good Folks out
there,..People Like You who Live to a Higher Standard,..
Believe in
God,..Family and Country!..
Some folks say we
are in the ''End Times'',..being ''Stretched Thin'' fighting
all over the World
'and stuff,..Is God ''Testing'' this Country's Faith, Seeing
how we are
doing!,..Are We Calling for His help,.Are We Praying and Walking
the ''Path of Faith
and Righteousness'',..Is the ''Decadence'' of this Country going
to 'Bring us Down to
our knees!''
President Kennedy
once said,..''We can See the Campfire's of the Enemy on
the Horizon''
Didn't the Bible
'quote about the same!..'Keep the Watchmen on the Hills!'
Hey!,.my 'Cup o' Joe
is ''Cold!'..Sorry,.no pun intended,..I left you with quite a
bit to ''digest''
here,.Some I left ''Open-ended'' for you to ''decipher'' and come
to your own
I leave you with
this ''Parable''..
''To know that God
sees us brings both conviction and comfort''
''If you're not on
guard against evil,..you'll be influenced by evil''
Sherrie and I
''Hold'' all of You in Prayer,..Remember,.. We and you are God's
Gatekeepers,.Guardian's of Good,..Ask ,.no..Pray for His Help,.God will
Bless you for it!
May we always be
able to say..''May God Bless America''...and our Soldiers..
For it is in ''GOD
WE TRUST'',..Pastor Frank and Sherrie

TUNE ~ He's got the whole world in his

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