And ''Top O'
The Morning'' To You!..
Winter is having a ''Wee Bit'' of a Time Leaving Us!...
Today,.. I am
'Changing' the 'Word' that I send out to you from a ''Sermon',..
to a 'Message!''
So ''Rub the
Sleep'' out of Your Eye's,..Go Grab that ''Hot Cup o' Joe or
what ever
''Concoction'' you need to wake up Your 'Grey' Matter,..Pull
on Your 'warm
socks' and grab a chair,..Time to hear the ''Message!''
are what you hear in ''Church!'',...
''Memory'' serves me right,..being raised 'Catholic' and Faithfully
attending Church
every Sunday,..and going to Catholic School,..For the
''World'' of
me,..I never could 'Understand' what the ''Sermons'' were about,
'Boring',..and, besides that,..they were in a ''Language'' that I didn't
And if I guess
right,..No-One in the Church 'Understood' either,.. Although
I do remember that
most everyone held their ''head'' in Reverence while
listening,. You
know,..''Bent Over'',.. eye's closed as if in ''Deep Prayer!''
Wasn't till I
started to get older, that I figured out that it was because ''Half''
the Church was
''Asleep!'',..So much for Sermons!.
What a ''Hoot!''
as I look back at it now,..The best thing the Church did,..or
any of the other
''Religions'' did,. was to put everybody on ''Alert'' and put
the ''Word of
God'' in a Language We All could Understand!
Everyone knew when
the ''Offering Basket'' was coming around,..because the
Priest Always sat
down while the ''Choir Sang'', least Three Times a Mass,.
And when it was
''Communion'' Time,..on account of the Priest would do a
''Secret'' Chant
ending with ''Dominus Nabisco'',..have a glass of Wine then
''Bless the
Am I making
''Fun'' of it,..Well..''Yes and No'',..I so Loved the Lord,.. and just
wished that I knew
more at that time what in ''tarnations'' the Priest was saying.
Always thought Him
and God had some 'Secret' Language' or Message that
only the Priest
would know!
So..What does
''Jesus'' Say!... ...
Romans:10:8-10...''The Word is near you, it is in your mouth and in your
heart. That is the
teaching of Faith that we are telling.If you use your mouth
to say ''Jesus is
Lord'' and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus
from the dead, you
will be saved.We believe in our hearts, so we are made
right by God. And
so we use our mouths to say that we believe, and so we are saved''
The ''English''
version that I 'Understand' is this.As a ''Preacher'',.a Minister,a
whatever ''Title'' is given to those who ''Spread God's Message,..
It is up to Us to
Deliver the Message in a ''Word'' that even a ''Child'' can
Understand, We
Should Always go to the Father as Children!...
The ''Message'' is
of Hope,..Truth,.. the Message is the ''Path'' in Word that
leads to Our
Salvation and Heaven,..The Messenger Must Preach the most
Righteous Truth
that ''Only through Jesus, that we might be with God''..
Galatians-6:6...''Let him who is Taught the Word share in all good things
with him who teaches''
''I am the
Way,...the Truth,..the Life,..No one can get to the Father except by
means of Me''...Jesus..John
''Sermons'',..All ''Messages'' lead to ''That One Truth'',..Jesus is ''Our
Salvation''..that's the ''Bottom Line''...
Yup!..No more
''Sermon's'' for me,..or From me!,..I'll be just a ''Messenger''
After all,.if
Sermon's put me to ''Sleep'',..I don't want to ''Preach'' to a
Like I said,..I'll
stick to the ''Fact's',..and Back them With ''Scripture'',..
Keep the ''Meat on
the Bone's'' per say,...Let you ''Digest'' what you want,..
I can't see
''Forcing'' Religion down anyone's throat,..Made me 'Gag' when
it was done to me!
The ''Word of
God'' it is the ''Living Water'' that Jesus talked about!,..
Enough said for
now,..Made me a ''Little Hungry'',.need to ''Re-Fill'' my
Cup O' Joe
I'll leave you
with these ''Parables''..
''The First Point
of Wisdom is to Know the Truth, the Second is to Discern
what is False''
''Listen to God's
Heart, then Speak from your heart to others''
Till next
week,.God,..He Love's All of Us, we are His Children,..
Thank Jesus for
''Taking'' our Sin Away,..Thank God for ''Allowing'' that!
God Bless
America,..God Bless All of You and ''Our Warrior's'' in Harms Way.
Till next
week,.Pastor Frank the ''Preacher'' and Sherrie
Click on the ''New
Fear'' Video and then the ''Reflections'' Video!