''Wounded Warrior Ministry''
a Non-Denomination Ministry.
is based strictly on the Bible.
The irrefutable Word of GOD.

Some refer to the Bible as
Our "Owner's Manual"
consider it to be
"The Instruction Book of Life".

We are
Dedicated to the Spiritual Well Being and
Healing of Our Warriors and their Family's.
Who is a
''Wounded Warrior/'?

Including The Family of Those Whom have. Left
their Family to Serve Their Country. A Family
'Torn Apart' Cerate's a ''Wound''.
We Preach
the ''Instruction Book of Life, The ''Bible'' as
it is Written, We Do-Not Force Religion
on anyone, as the True Word of God will Bring
You to Him when
His Word is the ''Food and
Drink'' the ''Sustenance''
which Life Thrives.

We Do-Not ask for
''Money, Gifts, or Tithes,"
We are Already Blessed by
The Lord, as I too am a ''Survivor''.
Having received
''Two Purple Hearts'' in
We Only Ask
That You put your Trust and Faith in God!

Many Blessings To You.
Pastor Frank
and Sherrie